Birthday boy

Marissa adjusted her high slit red cocktail dress as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her black hair was carefully in tight curls and her makeup was kept a little above the minimum. She looked different. Too beautiful.

It was Justin's birthday party. Of course,Karen wouldn't let him celebrate it anywhere else other than her huge mansion. He was too happy to celebrate it there as well.

She was about to dial Aaron's number when she heard repeated knocks on the front door. She briskly walked over to open up.

"Aaron! Finally! You took forever for God's sakes" she stated, letting out a sigh of relief. Aaron stood there silent for a while, his mouth slightly agape.

"Earth to Aaron" Marissa's voice was speaking again, this time very gently.

"Wow....Rissa, you look so beautiful," he said finding his voice finally.

"Who are you in this body?" she responded with an amused smile. "You sound really genuine, like you really mean it"

"Of course I am genuine, bird head." he replied with an eye roll. "What's with the new look?"

"Its my man's birthday!" She wiggled her eyebrow at him and gave a soft smile.

"Right" he nodded blankly.

"Now come in!"she pulled him into the house."We don't have all day."

"Where's the celebrant?"

"Already at the venue. I asked him to go without me because I had other things to take care of. But we're getting late. I do not want to keep him waiting"

"Relax, its not even 7pm yet." Aaron folded his arms.

"Its fifteen minutes to seven. Now, where is it?"

"In the car, your Majesty"

Marissa had asked him to make a portrait of Justin. And he had reluctantly agreed to it.

"Remember I'm paying you for that,"

"Hell no you aren't. Even if its the face of the person I don't like very much."

"We've been over this a million times Aaron. Just think of me as a customer and not your best friend okay?"

Aaron opened his mouth to protest again but she hushed him saying there was no time to argue. She dragged him to her room where gift boxes were laying about on the bed.

"Before I wrap everything together, I want you to take a look at it and tell me if its perfect enough" she said gesturing to the items on the bed.

Aaron looked at the items one by one. There was a black leather jacket Marissa had designed by herself, a custom coffee mug with a simple design of his name and initial Bluetooth beanie, Shiatsu neck and back massager and a handwritten note of how much he meant to her in an envelope.

"These are thoughtful gifts Rissa. I'm sure your boyfriend would love them." Aaron said to her after his examination. Marissa grinned from ear to ear.

"I'm breaking the biggest news tonight as well. He would be overwhelmed". Her voice sounded excited.

Guests thronged the party and Marissa surveyed the crowd. Most of the people around weren't even Justin's friends or associates. They were more of Karen's. Was it her birthday?