A complete nobody

"Why are you this bitter and angry towards us?" Marissa folded her arms, her forehead creased as she looked intently at Ivy. "This is so unhealthy and wrong on so many levels. Besides, do you have a man yet?"

"What has that got to do with anything?" She snapped. 

"Just a word of advice Ivy, If you do, focus on him. If you don't, try to look for one and also focus so you don't have the time to poke nose into other people's businesses. You can do a whole lot more with your life. Don't let it waste away like that."

And with that, Marissa tried to walk away but got yanked back suddenly by her hair. 

"How dare you, you bitch! "

Before Marissa could react, she got slapped across her face hard. Marissa held her face, shocked out of her mind.