The new guy Beck

A new guy arrived at Marissa's workplace. To her utmost surprise, it turned out to be Beckett. Well, Beck for short. He was an old classmate of Marissa's and her high school crush then. They saw once right after college when they bumped into each other at a party but lost contact again after that. 

And now he was there working together with her. The girls seemed to have a new attraction. Because, he was actually really drop dead gorgeous. 

Not as handsome as Justin though. No one came close to her Justin. Her Justin? 

He wasn't hers anymore, she reasoned and sighed. 

She was being swept into the arms of Beck. She hugged him back. 

"Long time no see Miss Johnson" he said in a playful tone and she gave a little smile. 

"Can't believe you're here Mr Riley."

"Okay can we switch to calling each other by our first names please?" He grinned.