Joining you in the bathtub

He took her hand and she looked at him as he pulled her to sit with him on the bed. 

"Rissa, I know you have a lot of thoughts running through your mind..." he paused and cleared his throat."I know I confessed that I loved you more than I should but it really doesn't have to change anything. You don't have to leave because I said I loved you"

"Aaron, I know how hard it must be for you and I really don't wanna put you in that position. I don't want things around us to get weird either so I thought about leaving"

"You do not have to. I really didn't want to tell you anything in the first place. I was ready to keep this secret for as long as it takes"

"But its out already and I know how you feel so I really can't hurt you anymore," she said in a solemn tone. 

"Rissa, this doesn't change anything. We're still gonna be best buds. We agreed to be best buds for life didn't we? Why should this come in between our friendship?"

"I know but.."