Why did you move on?

"A piece of trash?" Marissa chuckled. "The same one Justin adores with every fiber of his being? And do you remember Justin doesn't even remember he was friends with you, much less of getting you pregnant, so please calm down okay? For your own good."

Alicia felt indignation rising but tried her very best to be as calm as ever"I really don't have time for this. And I won't stress my self and precious baby because of you," she said, rubbing her stomach gently. She turned to walk away into the house. 

Marissa walked behind her without saying a word. When she got into the house, she found Justin in the living room, sitting there blankly and Karen was talking to him. Rachael and Lexi emerged from the kitchen with plates containing desert. 

"Wow, you two came for a visit together?" Rachael asked in surprise, seeing that they both got into the house almost at the same time.

"Not at all," Marissa spoke first. "We just happened to run into each other outside."