Her birthday

Marissa stirred in her sleep, a soft smile on her face as she dreamed of something wonderful. Suddenly, she was jolted awake by the sound of familiar voices singing "Happy Birthday" in unison. She blinked her eyes open, confused and disoriented for a moment before realizing what was happening. Her heart swelled with joy as she saw her three favorite people in the world - her best friend Aaron, her other best friend Lexi, and her beloved Aunt Zee - standing around her bed with a small cake lit with candles.

"Happy birthday, Marissa!" they all exclaimed, beaming at her.

Marissa sat up in bed, a wide grin spreading across her face. She was so touched by their gesture and couldn't believe they had woken up so early just to surprise her. She hugged each of them in turn, thanking them profusely for their thoughtfulness.

"So what do you have planned for today?" Aaron was asking her.

Marissa shrugged."I have to admit that I haven't really thought about it."