The accident

Justin sat behind the wheel of his car, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel as he navigated the busy city streets. He was on his way to Marissa's workplace, a high-end fashion company where she worked as a designer. He hadn't seen her in a few days, and he missed her terribly. Plus, he had some urgent news to share with her.

He parked his car in the company's underground parking lot and took the elevator up to the fifth floor. As he walked through the busy office, he couldn't help but admire the sleek, modern design of the place. He spotted Marissa sitting at her desk, intently sketching away. He made his way over to her, a small smile on his lips.

"Hey," he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Missed you."

Marissa smiled up at him, her eyes lighting up at the sight of him. "Hey, you," she replied. "What brings you here?"