You’re hurting me

Aaron followed her into the kitchen, and they started making breakfast together. They laughed and joked around, enjoying each other's company. They made pancakes and bacon, and Lexi brewed a fresh pot of coffee.

They sat down to eat, savoring the delicious food and talking about their plans for the day. Suddenly, Lexi's phone rang, and she saw that it was the hospital calling. She picked it up, feeling a sense of dread in her stomach.

"Hello?" she said, her voice trembling.

"Hi, Lexi, this is Dr. Smith. I wanted to let you know that your mother is stable now. We're keeping her under observation, but she's doing much better."

Lexi felt a wave of relief flood through her, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you so much, doctor. I'll be there as soon as possible."

She hung up the phone, turning to Aaron with tears in her eyes. "She's stable now. I need to go see her."