You’re free Alicia

As the class continued, the instructor introduced more complicated moves and spins, which Lexi and Aaron worked on together. They found themselves laughing and enjoying each other's company as they practiced the dance steps together.

At the end of the class, the instructor gave everyone a chance to show off their moves in a mini-performance. Lexi and Aaron were nervous at first, but they gave it their all and were met with applause from the rest of the class.

After the dance class, Lexi and Aaron were both feeling energized and happy. They decided to grab a late-night snack at a nearby diner and talked about their favorite parts of the evening. They both agreed that the comedy show was hilarious, but the dance class was the highlight of the night.

As they walked back to their car, hand in hand, Lexi and Aaron couldn't stop smiling. They had a fantastic evening together, trying new things and making memories that they would cherish for years to come.