The Visit

One by one, they entered the room, their faces beaming with joy. Karen, a woman of grace and elegance, approached Marissa with open arms. "Oh, my dear Marissa, look at this beautiful little angel you've brought into the world." She gently took Lily from Marissa's arms, cradling her with great care.

Zora, a vibrant and energetic woman, couldn't contain her excitement. She enveloped Marissa in a warm hug before reaching out to take her turn in holding Lily. "Oh, she's just precious! Look at those tiny fingers and that adorable little button nose."

Rachel, a kind-hearted and gentle soul, was next in line. She lovingly caressed Lily's cheek, her eyes welling up with tears. "Marissa, my darling, you've given us the greatest gift. This little one will bring so much joy into our lives."