Return her to her mother

"We'll continue searching, but we should also regroup and come up with a plan," she suggested, her words a testament to her unwavering determination.

The others nodded in agreement, their weariness evident, but their spirits unbroken. They made their way back to the car, their bodies sinking into the seats with a mixture of relief and weariness. Marissa's eyes flickered to the photo of Alicia and Lily clutched tightly in her hands, and a renewed surge of determination coursed through her veins.

"We'll find you, my sweet Lily," she whispered, her voice filled with fierce love. "We won't stop until we bring you home."

And with that vow echoing in their hearts, they drove off, ready to regroup, strategize, and continue their tireless search for Alicia and Lily. The city may have been vast, but their love and determination burned even brighter, lighting their path as they pursued it.