Chapter 3

Henry is undoubtedly a very handsome man, though he rarely pays attention to his physical features.

His hair was cut low, skin low. While his bushy and arched eyebrows lay claim over a piercing and intense brown eyes.

But behind all these soft looks, behind all the alluring and charming handsomeness, lurks something lethal and ominous.

Henry paused before a brown metal door at the far end of the doorway. Hanging on the door was a plague with the word "DIRECTOR". boldly inscribed on it.

Henry knocked on the door thrice in quick successions, he then waited for two seconds and knocked thrice again.

"Come in". Came the deep and coarse voice from inside the office.

To an observer or a unsuspecting person, the style of knocking by henry would be termed as just on impulse. As random.

But only a very select few knows what that really is. It is a security pass and signalling, initiated by the man inside the room so as to know who is at his door at any moment. Any other knocking style apart from that ,would be met with dead silence, and any attempt at forced entry would be met with a empty room.

In their world, over carefulness doesn't hurt. It is the opposite that does.

Henry slowly opened the door and walked inside the office.

The man pressed the remote control in his hand, solidly locking the door again.

The inside of the office looks simple and unsophisticated. There was a desk, with two chairs facing each other on both sides of it. Few feet behind the desk were two vault-like looking cabinets. To unlock any of them, you have to input a computerised code, codes that changes after each opening. A 64 inch flat screen TV hung on the eastern wall of the office, while below it was a medium sized refrigerator which harbours most of the food that the man eats.

But behind all these normal appliances, hidden in plain view all around the office, were some ingeniously crafted and well thought of devices and mechanisms, that work together to produce mind blowing effects.

High above the wall, just behind the television, is a switch. Just a simple off and on switch, which when touched, the whole of the eastern wall would revolve and open, showing a large room on the other side, which the wall was concealing. It is a secret room, some sort of store house, where some of the most important and secret documents and files are kept. On the seat that the director sat on, just at the extreme end of the extreme end of the seat, lies a remote meant for use only for emergency purposes--like an attack. The chair is programmed to emit a blinding black smoke before going through a opening under it, and out through the stairs. Offering the director the much needed escape route from his assailants.

Henry stood at attention before the man. They call him ''grand pa". But he is not a old man, nor does he look old .

Only a few knows the man's real name, the few with the highest security clearance in the agency, and a smaller few among the few, knows the full extent of the man's real work.