Chapter 10

  I turned the car into the designated parking lot. After I parked the car, I took my hand bag that was in the shot gun seat and got out of the car. I pressed the alarm button once again before pressing the lock button. And then, I slipped the car keys into the hand bag and continued walking into the building.

  "ID please, ma'am." the guard said when I entered the building. I just smiled at him and showed the ID I was carrying. He let me in and I immediately went to the front desk.

  "Good afternoon, may I ask for your boss's office?" I politely asked to the girl on the front desk. "Any appointment, ma'am?" she asked politely. "Yes, I have. This five o'clock. I'm Architect Kainashi, by the way." I said and smiled at her. She nodded and dialed her phone, I guess she's calling the secretary.

  While waiting for their conversation to end I looked around. Everyone's busy, I can tell. The structure and the interior of this floor is also appealing. Not painful to the eyes. It's colored gray, not that dark, not that bright, just right. As well as the ceiling and the paintings glued to the walls. Everything looks attractive. "Excuse me, ma'am. The boss is on the top floor." The woman said and smiled at me and I returned the smile. I headed towards the elevator and pressed the open button.

  The elevator immediately opened and the three of us entered. A girl and a guy. Each of them have a document in hand and are busy dialing the phone. When the door closed, I immediately hit the highest floor number. And that is the fifty sixth floor. Wow! It will take a long time to build. With only three of us here, I couldn't help but hear the woman talking to her on the phone. "Come on, Shel. Sir Ice will kill us both if you don't finish that! I don't want to lose my job yet." Tearfully the woman said. "Just bring it to my table. Let's finish that together." that's when she turned off the call.

  "Just calm down, Bliss. You can finish that too." Encouraging word of the man. So they know each other,huh? I heard the girl took a deep breath before talk again. "I'm scared to be among the workers fired. I really need this job." the woman said. Their backs are facing me since I am in the back of the room. "Sir Ice is very strict. He wants everything to be perfect. He doesn't want to make any mistakes. It seems like my big salary is the only reason why I still stick to this company, " she continued. And Oh... Backstabbing their boss, I see. "I really need this job so I'll put up with it." the woman said. They talked for a long time but I didn't listen anymore. Eavesdropping is bad. It's their privacy. So, I chose to wonder my mind into something interesting since we're still on the twenty fourth floor. And then my mind drift to my sister. To my dear sister Resha.

  They might be in a honeymoon now. Well, I guess they are. I couldn't help but be hurt by what I was thinking. You should be fucking happy, Sam. Your sister is now married with the man she loves the most! And the man you also love the most ... My subconcious states. I was lost in monologue when the elevator rang and the door opened. The two people who were talking a while ago went out of the elevator and the door closed once again, leaving me alone on the damn elavator.

  I'm still on the fourtieth floor. What is that! I patiently waited until I reached my floor destination. The door opened and I immediately went out. A lady in an office attire greeted me with a smile.

  "Good afternoon, Architect Kainashi. I'm Alyana Gallego, the one you talked with on the phone." SHe said smiling and I smiled back. "Hello. Nice meeting you." I said and looked at my wristwatch and realized it was quarter to five.

  "Sir Ice's meeting is coming to an end. Please sit down first." She said and smiled before leading the way. I smiled before following her. She guided me into a room where there is a two single couch and a long sofa with a table in between the three seats. But before I could sit down the woman sneezed.

  "Uhm, Architect Kainashi," she said, looks so hesitant.

  "I'm one of your top fan readers with your novels. Y-your creations are beautiful so you became my idol." she said happily but I can feel her nervous. I smiled at her.

  "Thank you for reading and appreciating my works, Ms. Gallego." I said smiling genuinely.

  "Would you mind if I will take a picture with you? I'm really waiting for this moment, Miss Author." she said, looks so excited that make me smile even widened. "Sure." I said smiling at her.