
"What are you doing?" Li Chen was very surprised to see Wang Qi's actions.

Wang Qi watched as Li Chen walked towards her. As he got closer and closer, she grabbed Li Chen's arm and bit him.

"Are you crazy?!"

The intense pain made Li Chen quickly retract his arm, but the bite marks were already clearly visible.

"What do you want to do?" However, Wang Qi was also frightened.

"Climb up this tree." Li Chen pulled Wang Qi to the side and came to the coconut tree. Wang Qi's heart skipped a beat when she saw Li Chen looking at the coconuts above her head.

'Did I wrong him just now?' Wang Qi thought to herself.

Li Chen looked up at the coconut above his head. The sunlight coming through the gaps in the leaves made him squint. It was really not easy to get coconuts off such a tall tree.

"Looks like I have to think of a way. Climbing trees is absolutely impossible. I don't have the ability."

Li Chen was deep in thought, while Wang Qi found a place to sit down. She wanted to see what Li Chen would do to get the coconuts down.

Li Chen looked at Wang Qi, who had sat down. He knew in his heart that it was impossible to rely on her help, but it was fine as long as she did not cause trouble for him. The key was that he still had to rely on himself.

He hugged the coconut tree. Fortunately, the coconut tree was very thin. Li Chen tried to shake it a few times and was successful, so he began to shake the tree hard.

As Li Chen exerted strength, the top of the coconut tree began to shake more and more intensely. Soon, a few coconuts finally fell off after shaking the tree. Li Chen patted his arm and picked up the coconuts on the ground.

When Wang Qi saw the falling coconuts, she swallowed her saliva.

'Sigh, it's all my fault for being too impulsive,' Wang Qi thought to herself.

With coconuts in hand, Li Chen took out a knife from his bag. He did not expect this knife to be of great use.

Then, he cut open a hole in a coconut with a knife in front of Wang Qi and raised it to drink. Wang Qi could only watch helplessly.

Thirsty for some coconut juice, Wang Qi swallowed her saliva. At this point, her throat was still very uncomfortable because of the seawater.

"Can… can you give me a coconut? I'll pay you back later." Wang Qi's cute tone sounded.

"Why should I? I'm a bad person!" Li Chen pretended to be angry.

"I advise you to stay away from me. Be careful that I don't molest you. Why don't you run away quickly, instead of asking me for a coconut?"

Li Chen deliberately mentioned what had happened previously. When Wang Qi heard this, she couldn't continue speaking.

"Then, then I'll buy it, alright? I'll give you money."

Perhaps because she was too thirsty, Wang Qi kept testing Li Chen, but Li Chen still did not agree. Wang Qi felt that the price might be too low, so she raised it.

Seeing that Li Chen was still unmoved, Wang Qi was actually a little angry.

"You… you're going too far. I've already said I would give you money, and you're still not satisfied?"

"Heh, what's the use of giving me money? I don't want money. I want…" Li Chen smiled evilly.

"What do you want? Li Chen, don't go too far!" Wang Qi subconsciously covered her collar and took a few steps back.

"I want you to beg me. If you beg me, I'll give it to you." Li Chen sneered. Who let you slander me. See if I don't mess with you.

Wang Qi heaved a sigh of relief. "As long as it's not what I think."

Wang Qi silently said in her heart, but she was still relieved that it was not what she thought.

"Please, just lend me a coconut, please."

"That's it? I don't think you're sincere enough. Continue." Li Chen still wanted to hear something more.

"You're too much. You're a bully."

Wang Qi started to complain, "I've never begged anyone in my life. Don't push your luck. I haven't settled those things with you yet."

"Then I won't dare to give it to you. Since you've already said so, how can I dare to give it to you? If I give it to you, won't you kill me?"

When Li Chen saw Wang Qi's angry and slightly threatening expression, he suddenly felt that she was very cute like this. Moreover, it matched her cute personality. He felt good in his heart, but on the surface, he still wanted to keep her hanging.

"You, then I don't want it anymore. You're too much. When I get out of here, I'll definitely take revenge on you. Hmph!" Wang Qi gritted her teeth and turned her head to the side.

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see what you do." Li Chen's words were filled with mockery.

"I don't want it anymore. I can't afford it." Wang Qi turned around and walked to the shade at the side.

Now that the sun was gradually rising and the weather was gradually getting hot, even if they hid in a shady place, the high temperature could easily make one feel thirsty.

Seeing that Wang Qi had given up on this idea, Li Chen did not say anything else.

He came to the bottom of a relatively thin coconut tree and began to shake it. After a while, he got down a few more coconuts.

Li Chen collected all the coconuts and placed them where Wang Qi could see them.

Wang Qi's mouth was dry, and her face was red from the heat. She couldn't help but wipe the sweat on her forehead with her hand, then swallowed to moisturize her dry throat.

Wang Qi felt that she was already hallucinating from the heat. She couldn't continue like this. She had to do it herself.

Hence, Wang Qi also came under a relatively small coconut tree. Then, she hugged the coconut tree tightly. With her bumps squeezed flat, she shook the tree hard.

However, the coconut tree did not move at all. After all, she was a girl, and she did not have that much strength.

Wang Qi's actions made Li Chen laugh. Li Chen looked at the angry Wang Qi.

"What do you want?" Wang Qi retreated and asked Li Chen, who was smiling.

"Cough, cough. With your strength…" Li Chen laughed. "You still have to practice more!"

"Do you want it?" Li Chen took a coconut and waved it in front of Wang Qi.

"I want it. No, I don't want it!" Wang Qi had originally blurted out the word "I want it", but she still held it in and immediately rejected it.

"You really don't want it? Are you sure?" Li Chen tempted.

"No, I don't want it. I really don't want it!" Wang Qi was a little angry and started to plan to chase Li Chen away. She didn't want to continue talking to him.

Li Chen noticed that Wang Qi was chasing him away. "That's a pity. I can't bring so many coconuts with me. Then, I'll just throw them here." After that, he left casually.

Wang Qi looked at the departing Li Chen and felt extremely excited. Then, she looked at the coconuts on the ground and began to think.

"I can't drink it. His things are definitely not good."

"Drink, just drink it. If I don't, I'm going to die of thirst. I should drink while he's gone."

These two thoughts were arguing in Wang Qi's mind, but she was really thirsty. She immediately peeked around and did not see Li Chen.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Wang Qi's mind. She immediately stood up.

"Oh yes!"