The Secret of the Questionnaire

"Sister Yu, I want to go to the toilet," Wang Qi said to Zhao Yu.

"Let's go. I'll go with you." Zhao Yu understood what Wang Qi meant.

The two of them walked into the forest together and arrived at a relatively safe place. Here, Wang Qi finally began to speak.

"Sister Yu, I want to say we should find a new place to stay in the afternoon. Why don't you let me say it?" Wang Qi looked aggrieved.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you see Hua Long's face? I dare say that nothing good will come out of telling him that." As expected, due to the fact that Zhao Yu was slightly more mature, she had a better eye for things. She easily noticed that there was a problem with Hua Long.

When Wang Qi heard that the issue was with Hua Long, she didn't say anything else and only looked at Zhao Yu firmly.

"Sister Yu, I'll listen to you!"

When the two of them returned, Li Chen had already packed up and was discussing where to go next.

"It's not that I want to criticize you, Li Chen, but where did you get that knife from? Did you bring a knife on the plane?"

Hua Long could see the problem at a glance. Among everyone, only Li Chen found a knife while everyone else couldn't find one.

"Oh, this. I don't know either. It just appeared in my bag," Li Chen muttered to himself as he held his knife.

"By the way, did you guys receive a questionnaire on the plane?" Li Chen suddenly thought of the questionnaire and quickly asked everyone.

"Questionnaire?" Everyone immediately became excited.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yu said disappointedly, "I deleted it. I thought it was a fraudulent message." After saying that, Zhao Yu felt very regretful and did not continue.

"Questionnaire? I deleted it too…" Wang Qi said in disappointment.

After everyone's conversation, it turned out that Li Chen's things were all given to him by the questionnaire. Only Li Chen filled in the questionnaire when he boarded the plane, and Wang Qi and Zhao Yu did not.

"What about the two of you?" Everyone looked at Hua Long and Zhang Yang.

"Both of us? I don't think we got the message at all. Why did you guys get it?" Hua Long kept scratching his fingers as he spoke. His words were less confident. It was obvious that he was lying.

"In that case, we can't count on the things given to us. Let's go find food." When he heard that no one had filled in the questionnaire, Li Chen revealed some disappointment.

Everyone came to the beach outside the forest, hoping to obtain some food.

"By the way, we haven't finished looking at the forest over there. Let's go there again," Hua Long said. Before Li Chen and the others could answer, he ran into the forest with Zhang Yang.

When they arrived at the cave again, Hua Long shouted happily.

"I didn't expect this day to come. You're all mine!"

At this point, Hua Long couldn't help but think of Wang Qi, who was still wearing the air stewardess uniform. He thought of her curvaceous figure and thought of how Wang Qi would have to listen to him in the future and follow his instructions.

"Hua Long, what's wrong? Why are you so happy?" Zhang Yang asked in confusion.

Hua Long quickly took out his backpack and took out what he had chosen.

"Look! What's this!" Hua Long took out a pistol and a Tang sword.

"At that time, I also filled in the questionnaire. I thought pistols and a Tang sword are what we need the most when we go to the wilderness to survive. The others are all trash. No fool would choose a flight attendant, right?" Hua Long said proudly.

When Zhang Yang saw the sword and gun that Hua Long had taken out, he was terrified. He was afraid that Hua Long would do something to him in this cave.

"What did you choose? Don't tell me you chose a flight attendant? That's fine too. It's just nice and comfortable." Hua Long mocked Zhang Yang.

"I… I thought it was a scam, so I deleted it. Who would be so bored to go to the wilderness to survive? Isn't it good to play games and sing at home?" Zhang Yang replied, his eyes gradually dimming.

"Alright, then follow me in the future. I guarantee that you will have food and drink. When the time comes, Li Chen will just be our coolie. As for Wang Qi, give her to me. You should suffer a little and choose Zhao Yu." Hua Long was smug.

After that, Hua Long carefully wrapped up his belongings and hid them all in the cave. Then, he went out to break some branches and brought them back with Zhang Yang.

Li Chen, Wang Qi, and the others returned to the place where they had seen the mark. There were still some supplies there that needed to be collected. After all, in the wilderness, anything could be used.

"What do you think of that spot?" Zhao Yu pointed happily.

At this moment, she was standing on high ground and saw a suitable location in the distance. Li Chen and Wang Qi quickly came over to check. It was a relatively flat plot with its back against the cliff. The terrain was also high which was very suitable for building a shelter.

"I think that spot is great!" Wang Qi was the first to voice her opinion.

Li Chen looked around and felt that building the shelter there was a good choice, so they discussed it.

"Then we'll move over tomorrow morning?" Li Chen asked.

"No, there's no hurry. Listen to me and let's wait a little longer." This time, Zhao Yu stopped Li Chen. She firmly expressed that they should listen to her.

"Why?" Li Chen asked in confusion.

"Because of Hua Long and Zhang Yang, I suspect that they have other plans." Zhao Yu was indeed someone who had experienced the difficulties of the world. The little thoughts in people's hearts could not escape her eyes.

Since Zhao Yu did not agree to move over immediately, Li Chen could only stop thinking about it. They saw that there were wild fruits nearby, so they picked some and brought them back to their previous camp.

"Why are we eating fruits every day? Did you guys secretly eat outside?" Hua Long questioned impatiently.

"Where's the fish? You guys secretly ate the fish, right? I want to eat roasted fish. Li Chen, go get it for me," Hua Long instructed.

Li Chen did not move. As for Zhao Yu, she walked forward and slapped the fruit from Hua Long's hand.

"We are already in this dire situation so control your dog-like temper. If you want to eat, go find it yourself. You still have the cheek to ask for food with your palms wide open." It was obvious that Zhao Yu was angry. as shown from her heaving chest.

"Who do you think you are? Because I listened to you during my internship in the company, I should also listen to you now?" Hua Long was not afraid of Zhao Yu.

"If it weren't for the fact that you still have some looks, I wouldn't have spoiled you. Sooner or later, you'll have to beg me."

"You…" Zhao Yu was so angered by Hua Long's humiliating words that she could not speak.

"Hua Long, it's not like you don't know our current situation. How can we get through the difficulties together like this?" Li Chen also said.

"Whatever. Anyway, I don't care. You better serve me well. Otherwise, you should not have saved me."

Hua Long said. Then, he lay down under a tree and began to doze off.

Everyone looked at him speechlessly.