Revealing Everything

"Hmph!" Hua Long snorted and went back to his place to lie down.

After a while, Hua Long began his devious plan.

"What if there are wild beasts at night in this place? After all, it's so bare here."

"That's right, that's right. What are we going to do tonight?" Zhang Yang quickly echoed.

Some people listened to Hua Long's words and began to look around. Indeed, this place had been modified, but there was still only one roof. Other than the four corners of the wood, there was no other cover.

"That makes sense. Let's talk to Li Chen." Someone stood up and went to Li Chen to tell him about this situation.

At this moment, Li Chen was looking for suitable trees outside, hoping to cut them all down and move them back to strengthen the surrounding walls. According to Li Chen's plan, he still had to build a high wall around them to be safe.

However, it was already too late. He probably could only get one roof done today.

"Li Chen, come back quickly. Everyone has something to ask you." Someone anxiously found Li Chen and asked him to go back quickly.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Li Chen asked.

"Just come back quickly. You'll know when you get back."

Li Chen was pulled back. As soon as Li Chen returned, everyone immediately surrounded him.

"Li Chen, you want us to build this? What should we do tonight? There's no fence around here at all."

"Everyone, don't be anxious. I just looked at the surrounding trees. Tomorrow, we'll cut down more trees and strengthen our walls. At that time, we'll really build our own house."

"Tomorrow? What are we going to do tonight?" Hua Long asked.

"I'm afraid you don't even know what's going on here. There are wolves here," Hua Long continued.

"We can light a fire. With fire, those wolves won't dare to come over," Li Chen quickly explained.

Seeing that the situation had reached its peak, Hua Long quickly stood up and said happily.

"I think everyone should pay attention to safety. It's safer to find a cave than to build a house yourself."

When everyone heard Hua Long mention a cave, they immediately felt that his words were true. There was only one entrance to the cave, which was much safer than this open place.

"That's right. Why don't we find a cave?"

"If we found a cave, we wouldn't have to cut down trees and build houses now."

Seeing that some people were already starting to waver, Hua Long felt that the time was ripe.

"I'll be honest with everyone. Do you really think I didn't do anything today? Actually, I've already thought of this problem. Zhang Yang and I found a cave in the forest."

"Furthermore, Zhang Yang and I have already sealed the entrance with trees, leaving only one entrance. I'm sure everyone knows that it's safe."

Hua Long's words made the others discuss it directly. Indeed, it was much easier to find a cave now, especially a cave with only one entrance.

"I don't think our Li Chen wants to leave this place. How about this? Whoever feels that the cave is better, follow me."

Hua Long gave Zhang Yang a look, and Zhang Yang immediately understood what he meant.

"Although that cave isn't big enough to accommodate a lot of people, it's indeed very safe."

By the time Hua Long finished speaking, some of them had already started looking for Hua Long. They obviously wanted to go to the cave.

"Damn it, he took them away just like that," Li Chen said angrily.

"That's great. With Hualong's personality, those people will hate him sooner or later. Don't worry." Zhao Yu quickly comforted him.

"That's right. The fewer people there are, the more peaceful this place will be," Wang Qi said.

"It's enough that we have you!" Wang Qi added.

After a period of discussion, all the survivors were divided into two groups. One group chose to follow Hua Long to the relatively safe cave, while the other group chose to stay with Li Chen.

However, there was a huge difference in numbers. Only a few people chose to follow Li Chen, while there were dozens of people who went to Hua Long.

After a short commotion, the people who followed Hua Long left just like that, leaving only Li Chen and the others.

"Aren't you guys leaving?" Li Chen asked.

"And follow Hua Long? We've already seen through his character."

"Yes, we will follow you. We will survive here. It's better this way."

Therefore, the remaining few people planned to continue building their camp as Li Chen had said and continue to strengthen the defense of their camp.

Everyone followed Hua Long for a long time before finally arriving at the cave.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is the cave I found," Hua Long said proudly.

The cave entrance was huge, but it had been blocked by wood, leaving only a small entrance. After the cave was blocked, a row of stones was added to the outside to make it stronger.

Everyone was stunned and followed Hua Long in.

The cave was very wide. Compared to the frame Li Chen had built, this place was several times better.

"Since everyone chose to follow me and since I was the one who discovered this cave, everyone has to listen to me." Hua Long began to speak his thoughts as if he was thinking about something.

"So what do you want to do?" someone asked Hua Long when they realized what the problem was.

"I don't want to do anything. I just want everyone to listen to me and do as I say." Hua Long didn't say anything else.

"Zhang Yang, close the door!" Hua Long ordered.

Zhang Yang quickly ran over and closed the door. Everyone was locked in the cave. Then, Hua Long raised his sword.

"Everyone, be quiet. With this saber, you have to listen even if you don't want to!"

Then, Hua Long began to plunder everyone's belongings. He took everything for himself. Those without anything would only die if they went out.

"Quick, the two of you go find water for me. The two of you go find food for me. If you can't find it, don't come back."

At this moment, everyone realized that they had been tricked by Hua Long into coming here. They began to think of ways to escape, but only Hua Long had been here before. Since they had never been around here before, it was easy to get lost if they went out.

"Hua Long, that's not a good idea. The consequences of your actions might bite you back!" Zhang Yang went up and tried to persuade Hua Long.

"Now that we're all on this island, it's very difficult for us to survive. If you do this…"

"F*ck off! Who do you think you are to lecture me?" Hua Long slapped Zhang Yang to the ground.

After Zhang Yang got slapped, he did not say anything else. A seed of thought sprouted in his mind, and that was to run away from Hua Long. The further away he was, the better. Otherwise, something bad would happen sooner or later.

When the people who came with him saw Hua Long's shameless behavior, they no longer yearned for safety in the shelter. They only wanted to escape and find a good place to survive. At that moment, they thought of Li Chen.

Li Chen had already built a wooden house over here. Now, he was building the outer wall. They had found mud and wanted to build a wall with mud and stones to resist the attacks of wild beasts.

Later, when Zhang Yang brought a few people out to look for resources, they surrounded Zhang Yang.