
On this day, Li Chen brought all the boys out to search for resources in the wilderness as usual.

Li Chen's arrangement had always been to go to the island to look for useful things after farming. When farming was busy, he would stay in his camp to recuperate.

This time, they came to a nameless mountain on the island. This mountain was very high. They climbed it with difficulty, but in the end, they still went up.

"Look, we've long wanted to come up this mountain. We're finally here!"

"Li Chen, look, you can see the sea."

"How can you see? There's fog at this time. How can you see clearly?"

Everyone began to discuss among themselves. Coincidentally, the sea was covered in fog, and one could only see a vast expanse of white.

Finally, it was noon. Everyone planned to eat at the top of the mountain and return in the afternoon. At noon, the fog dissipated.

Everyone started a fire to prepare lunch. They brought their own dry rations and planned to roast them before eating. Just as someone was looking for firewood, they suddenly shouted.

"Everyone, look at the sea!"

"Look at the sea. What's that?"

The shout attracted Li Chen and the others to go over and take a look. On the surface of the sea, a huge thing floated. From the speed of its movement, it seemed to be swimming towards the coast.

"Oh no!" Li Chen muttered to himself.

"Come, let's quickly go to the shore!"

Hearing Li Chen's words, everyone took the time to put out the fire. Then, they followed Li Chen down the mountain and returned to their camp. When everyone saw Li Chen so flustered, they knew that something had happened.

"What's wrong, Li Chen?" Wang Qi asked.

"There's something on the surface of the sea. Let's go take a look." Li Chen said.

"Quick, everyone, bring your tools. Let's go. You girls stay in the camp and guard the house."

"Hmph! You always let us girls guard the house," Wang Qi muttered softly.

Then, Li Chen and the others quickly took their tools to the shore. The huge creature was about to float over, but when it was about to reach the shore, it stopped moving and seemed to be sinking.

"Li Chen, that is a ship!"

After careful identification, it was indeed a broken ship. It floated aimlessly on the sea and finally arrived near the island. However, the seawater near the coast could not support its weight, so it still sank.

Fortunately, the water on the coast was not deep. After sinking two-thirds of its body, it reached the bottom. There was still one-third above water. Li Chen wanted to go to the ship to take a look. Perhaps there were still people alive.

"Come, swim with me." Li Chen said.

"Wait, why don't we row over?" After this person's reminder, Li Chen finally remembered that there was still a boat.

"Yes, I was so excited that I forgot. Let's row over." As they spoke, they dragged their wooden boat over. Li Chen and the others boarded the boat and rowed towards the huge ship.

At this moment, the huge ship had already stopped moving. Li Chen and the others easily approached the huge ship. Then, Li Chen checked. There was no entrance on it. If they wanted to enter, they could only enter through the water.

"I'll go. Wait for me," Li Chen said as he took a bundle of rope and tied it around his waist.

"Wait, Li Chen, I'll go with you. I've also learned how to swim." At this moment, a person stood up. His swimming skills were the best here, and Li Chen and the others called him Hai Yu.

Just like that, Li Chen and Hai Yu tied up the rope and plunged into the water. The two of them went deep into the water and groped their way into the interior of the ship.

Li Chen and Hai Yu climbed and saw that there were indeed many things in the cabin, but it was not easy to take them out, as the ship was tilted.

"Look! Li Chen, there's a window there." Hai Yu pointed.

Surprisingly, there was a porthole above their heads, and this window was facing the sky. Li Chen instantly understood what Hai Yu meant. As long as he opened this window, the thing could be handed out through the window.

As they spoke, they found something and began to smash the window. There were many things in the cabin. Li Chen quickly found two fire axes and handed one to Hai Yu. Then, the two of them began to smash the window. Soon, the window was broken open bit by bit.

"Li Chen and the others won't be in danger, right?" The people outside heard the commotion inside and said worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm worried about the clanging inside."

"Let's wait and see. Trust Li Chen. Otherwise, the rope would have moved long ago."

As he spoke, the person in charge of pulling the rope tugged at it. In the end, the rope was quickly pulled back. Everyone was shocked that the rope was broken.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were in their throats. They could only wait patiently for what would happen next. Some people had already taken off their clothes and were prepared to jump into the sea at any time to save Li Chen and the others.

Suddenly, a huge pane of glass fell from above.

"Danger, get out of the way!"

Everyone quickly rowed away from the piece of glass. Before everyone could calm down, Li Chen crawled out from it, revealing half of his body.

"Are you okay? We broke the window!"

"There's a lot of stuff in here. Everyone, come in!"

Then, one of them threw the rope to Li Chen. Li Chen tied the other end of the rope to the railing of the ship. Then, the others gradually climbed up along the rope.

When everyone entered the cabin, they were immediately attracted by the luxury of this cabin. They did not expect this rusty-looking cabin to be so luxurious.

Starting to look around for something, Li Chen and the others came to a room. It seemed that this room should be the ship's kitchen. The food inside had long expired and could not be used. Li Chen looked at the date. It turned out that the ship had been floating for many years.

However, Li Chen found pots and pans in the kitchen. These kitchenware could still be used. They quickly moved these things under the porthole and waited for them to be carried out later.

Continuing to search, Li Chen realized that there were no traces of anyone on this ship. After all, so many years had passed. That room should be an ammunition depot. Li Chen saw the symbol drawn on the door and guessed.

They quickly opened the door and went in to take a look. As expected, there were many long spears and short spears hanging on the wall. The barrels were filled with gunpowder, but some had already soaked in water. Li Chen and the others quickly continued to move them away.

"This ship is huge. It's a pity that it sank. Otherwise, it could have brought us back."

"That's right. We've been here for many years, right?"

"I can't remember. It must have been many, many days. I remember it when I first arrived, but I don't remember it now."

Everyone could not help but sigh. Li Chen quickly comforted everyone, "Don't worry, we'll return sooner or later. We need to survive here first."