Shut Up, I Never Said That!

Ivan was frustrated. What about the powerful blood magic? Or was he taking the wrong medicine?

Suddenly, Ivan remembered that he had received a system notification when he was collecting the blood, but he had not had time to check it because of Professor McGonagall.

When Ivan opened it, he saw that it was a mission.

After reading it, Ivan's expression suddenly became extremely interesting, and he even wanted to curse.

[Mission: Promised Revenge

Mission Objective: Kill Quirrell

Task description: Cecilia was a female unicorn, a free and holy creature that roamed the depths of the Forbidden Forest until she was killed by an evil wizard.

Remarks: You need to fulfil your promise and gain Cecilia's approval, until then she will choose to wait and see rather than help you.]

Ivan looked stunned. When had he promised to avenge Cecilia?

He clearly remembered that he had said…

[Your enemy probably won't live long anyway… Rest in peace…]

It was all a statement of fact, with no promise whatsoever… How could it be misinterpreted like that?

Ivan roared in his head, furious,

System, come out and explain yourself!

However, the system gave no indication of this.

"Norbert, I shouldn't have complained about your low blood magic," Ivan said, sighing in exasperation at having been tricked for no reason.

It was fine if there was no bloodline magic. Who knew if it was as powerful as described in the book "Bloodline Origin"?

Ivan was left to stew in his own misery. At least his magic had been greatly enhanced, hadn't it?

More importantly, the mission issued by the system was not punished. He could just leave it there. What if Quirrell died from his injuries a few days later and the mission was automatically completed?

After all, according to causality, he had indirectly killed them.

After composing herself, Ivan left the Potions Room and re-entered the training grounds through the Room of Requirement.

He needed some time to get a grip on his newfound strength, lest he make a mistake and end up with irreparable consequences.

Dawn was breaking by the time Ivan returned to his room. He had been practising all night, and before he could get any rest, he found himself back in class.

Dragging his tired body behind him, Ivan ate breakfast in the Great Gallery. He found it strange that people were watching him wherever he went.

At first, Ivan thought it was just yesterday, but he soon realised something was wrong, as even Harry and Ron were looking at him strangely.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Ivan finally asked.

"I think you're a little different than you were yesterday," Ron finally said, and Harry nodded.

They could not understand how Ivan had changed so much when they woke up early in the morning.

Ivan was so shocked that he wondered if he had transformed into a half-man, half-unicorn monster. He quickly used his wand to gently tap an empty plate, transforming it into a square mirror.

Ivan was relieved to see the mirror's reflection.

He still had blond hair and black eyes, but his skin was fairer and fairer, and the blue light of his magic was visible in his eyes. More importantly, his temperament had changed quite a bit, and he couldn't help but exude affinity. He looked like a legendary elf, and even he wanted to be close to him.

"Ivan, your Transfiguration spell is even better," Hermione said playfully, sitting down with her book and looking at herself in the mirror.

"And, of course, you're prettier and a little taller…."

"I'd be happier if you didn't use pretty as an adjective." Ivan waved his wand to change the mirror back and rolled his eyes.

Ivan had his suspicions about his current state, which was likely due to him having inherited the Unicorn's affinity, although he did not know why it was not displayed on the system bar.

It was supposed to be a very powerful ability, but Ivan was troubled by it, as the change in the night had been too sudden and too obvious.

"How on earth did you do that, and what potion did you use? Was it a love potion?" Ron asked curiously.

"What kind of person uses a love potion on themselves? And it doesn't work that way," Hermione shot back, but she was still looking eagerly at Ivan, obviously wanting to know.

"I don't know," Ivan said vaguely. "I think it's because they were growing a bit too fast last night. You know, this is the age when they're growing."

Ron and the others were speechless. They were all around the same age, but why hadn't they grown up?

Ivan could tell they didn't believe him, but he didn't try to explain. He wasn't prepared to reveal the existence of the Bloodline Fusion Potion.

Firstly, the collection of ingredients was not honorable, and there was no telling what Snape would do if he found out that she had stolen his potion.

Secondly, the success rate of bloodline fusion was not very stable. Ivan was not even sure that the potion formula given by the system would be 100% successful, let alone allow others to try it.

While they were chatting, a strange voice came from the Slytherin House table.

"I don't think Headmaster Dumbledore will be able to stay at Hogwarts much longer. When I sent a letter back yesterday, my father was horrified when he found out there were dragons at Hogwarts. He told the Minister for Magic overnight that the investigating officers were supposed to arrive this evening!"

Ivan turned to see Malfoy flaunting a letter in his hand.

"Malfoy!" Harry slapped the table and stood up, wanting to punch him.

Malfoy also noticed Harry at this point, and his lips curled into a sinister smile.

"Well, if it isn't Potter. When Headmaster Dumbledore is gone, there will be no one left to protect you."

"I didn't know your father was such a coward, Malfoy, but when he heard there was a dragon at Hogwarts, he got scared. You know, according to Seamus, I even rode it around in the sky twice," Ivan said mildly.

Malfoy's face immediately turned red, and he instinctively wanted to curse, but for some reason, seeing Ivan's face made him want to praise him instead.

"My dad's worried about me, that's all!" Malfoy managed to get the words out of his mouth, then hurried away, feeling as though he had been bewitched by Ivan.