How About Three Galleons for a Bottle of Blood?

With that, he picked up Walker, who had returned to his normal form, and walked past Ivan and Doggett toward the end of the street.

Yvonne exchanged glances with Doggett, secretly wary, and then followed after Fran…

At the end of the shabby street was a large, relatively intact-looking house, which Ivan found to be quite empty.

Remembering that the Werewolves had been driven here from somewhere else, Ivan understood why they lived there.

To Ivan's slight relief, it was tidy and not as cluttered as he had expected.

As it was close to evening, food was being cooked in a large cauldron that was set in the corner, and it was steaming white…

"Why don't you go ahead and finish your meal? I'll just talk to them," Flan said to the rest of the werewolves as she put Walker aside.

After dismissing the rest of the group, Fran went to a relatively clean area and gestured for them to sit down.

Ivan relaxed a little, now that he wasn't surrounded by werewolves.

"Is this how you usually treat your guests?" Ivan teased as they sat down.

In contrast to Flan's calm demeanor, Ivan had the distinct feeling that the other werewolves had been guarding against the two of them. When they entered the house, they formed a faint encirclement, almost causing Ivan to think they were about to attack.

"That's probably because you put too much pressure on them," Flan said mildly.

Ivan raised his eyebrows in a non-committal manner. If the werewolves hadn't attacked him, he wouldn't have resorted to using magical props.

"Fran…" As they chatted, the elderly werewolf witch came over with a large bowl and handed it to him.

Fran reached for the bowl and turned to Ivan and the others.

"Bread porridge. Would you like some?"

Yvonne looked at the bowl in Fran's hand. There were pieces of bread floating on the surface of the soup, but there was no meat at all. Instead, there were leaves of an unknown type, more like water than porridge.

"That's all you eat?" Dougett asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No, it's only been rough for a month or two." Ignoring their stares, Fran picked up the bowl of bread soup and drank it.

Walker, who was lying on his side, suddenly opened his eyes and struggled to sit up, his face still bruised.

After coughing twice, Walker looked angrily at Doggett.

"If you hadn't robbed us of our hard-earned savings, why would we eat this every day?"

The money? Yvonne thought back to the time when Morgan Dougett extorted fifty Galleons out of Flun while she was recovering from her injuries.

So that was the reason. Ivan turned to look at Doggett with a strange expression on his face, finally understanding why Walker looked so angry when he saw the registration number.

Doggett showed no sign of remorse. He looked at Walker and sneered. "Rob? You'd better know that's for the treatment. If you think it's too expensive, you can choose not to treat it!"

"You!" Walker's face was red with anger, his fists clenched.

"Walker!" Flan interrupted in a low voice, then looked at the young werewolf, who was still a little disgruntled, and scolded him. "If you hadn't sneaked out and broken into someone's house, I wouldn't have gotten hurt trying to save you, and I think you've learned your lesson from the last time…"

Walker lost his temper after being reprimanded by Fran, and his face fell in shame and guilt. He opened his mouth to explain, but nothing came out.

Seeing him like this, Fran didn't say anything else and turned to look at the two of them. "I'm sorry, this child is a little extreme. I apologize on his behalf, but please don't take it to heart."

Ivan waved his hand to indicate that he would not take it to heart, and Doggett was not interested in arguing with a small werewolf brat.

"So let's get down to business, shall we? What are you doing here?" asked Fran.

"I've been working on a special potion that will solve the problem of losing your mind when you turn into werewolves," Ivan said bluntly, deciding not to use Dougatt as a cover.

Ivan expected the werewolves to be overjoyed when he finished, but there was only silence.

Other werewolf wizards nearby were actually keeping an eye on the situation.

When Ivan, a young wizard, offered to solve the werewolf problem, they tried to talk him out of it.

However, the shock Ivan had given them earlier was still fresh in their minds, so for some reason, they had a feeling that he might actually be able to do it.

This strange contrast made them feel terrible…

"So you're going to let us work with you on your experiments? As your subjects?" Fren frowned.

Flan knew that it would not be easy to develop a potion recipe, and that, in addition to the time and effort involved, it would require someone to drink one of the half-finished potions in order to confirm its effects.

Drinking an unknown potion is extremely risky. Anything can happen…

Ivan shook his head and said seriously, "No, I'm almost done with the recipe. I just need a little blood as the key ingredient. You werewolves!"

This was why he was there. Other ingredients for the Wolfsbane Potion could be found in the potion shop in Diagon Alley, but werewolf blood was not.

It seemed to Ivan that the only way to gain the trust of the Ministry and the Order of Merlin was to brew the Wolfsbane Potion first, so that Doggett would see the results and trust him completely.

Otherwise, he would have been ignored by both the Ministry and the Order of Merlin, even if he had the recipe.

"You want our blood?" Flan asked, narrowing her eyes and examining Ivan.

"That's impossible! Who knows if you're telling the truth? I've heard that many Dark Wizards can use a person's blood to perform curse magic…"

Ivan was not disappointed. He stood up and looked around the room, pausing on the food and shabby clothes of the werewolves, deliberately raising his voice so that the other werewolves could hear.

"I'm not asking you to do this for free. How about… 3 Galleons for a bottle of blood?"