Give Him a "Surprise" When He Returns!

Understanding this, Doggett was even more certain of his suspicions, and could not help but be impressed at the depth of Ivan's mind at such a young age.

However, Ivan's outstanding performance aroused the interest of Dougett, who felt that this might be his chance!

A chance to regain everything that was lost!

After much consideration, Doggett's dead heart began to stir. All these years, he had been hiding in Knockturn Alley, drinking himself into oblivion because he could not see any hope.

Things were different now, however. With Ivan's talent and potential, it would only take him a few years to reach the level of a Dark Lord.

With such power, coupled with Ivan's meticulous mind and his assistance, it would not be difficult for him to dominate the entire wizarding world!

Just thinking about it made Doggett's blood boil…

He could already picture himself returning to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries a few years later with a large number of men… and how surprised Bohan would look.

He would show his father who was right when the time came!

Acacia took in Dougett's reaction and smiled, understanding that he had taken the bait, and that many things would be much more convenient with his extensive connections.

Ivan, on the other hand, knew nothing of this.

After experimenting with the effects of the modified wolf venom potion and confirming that it was no different from what the system had shown, Ivan decided to leave the rest of the research to Alicia.

He did not forget that there was one last thing he had to do, which was to develop the improved Polyjuice Potion, and then ask Hermione to deliver it to his past self to complete the final time closure.

Some time ago, due to Burke's good performance and his teaching of alchemy, Ivan was embarrassed to use Burke as a lab rat, and the development of potions came to a halt.

Now that Flun has brought back two more spies to act as new testers, the research can be restarted…

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The study of the improved Polyjuice Potion progressed much more quickly than Ivan had anticipated, as he was able to save time on his research by uncovering a large number of evil human experiments in the rare Dark Arts books he had obtained from Borgin and Burkes.

Even so, the two "white mice" had been tortured terribly over the past few days. Without the Memory Charm to erase their memories, they were mentally unstable.

Thus, after the potion was brewed, Ivan mercifully ended their lives, burning their bodies to ashes with the repaired Ring of Fire…

Everything went as smoothly as it could. The only thing that confused Ivan was why he hadn't been transported back to his time.

Was the hold-up this long?

Ivan frowned. Prior to using the Time-Turner to reverse time and space, he had performed a test that proved that if a single backtracking took more than five hours, one could be kicked back to their original point in time.

However, the exact length of stay was not measured. It seemed to be completely random, with no rhyme or reason.

"Well, since I've done everything I need to do, I might as well go back to Hogwarts tomorrow…" Ivan muttered to himself as he picked up the improved Polyjuice Potion and put it in the pocket of his wizard robe.

He had been in Knockturn Alley for two months, and the day after tomorrow was the first day of school.

In addition, Ivan did not forget that he was riding a hippogriff. If the beast was still waiting for him in the forest, he would have to bring it back.

Yvonne made up her mind, and that afternoon she went to Alicia to tell her that she was going to Hogwarts the next day.

"Tomorrow? But you don't start school until the day after tomorrow, do you?" Dougatt asked curiously.

Ivan didn't try to explain and simply brushed it off. He didn't tell Douget about the Time-Turner in case he guessed that he had blown up his house!

Doggett had no intention of pursuing the matter, so he waited for Ivan to leave before turning to Alicia.

"Should we discuss that matter with young Ivan in advance?"

"No…" Alicia hesitated, then shook her head.

Since Ivan was planning to return to Hogwarts, it was best not to mention it, lest he be distracted from his studies.

In any case, Fran and the others' combat power had increased greatly, and Dougett had gathered many friends to help him. This was already an extremely powerful force in Knockturn Alley.

So why not surprise Ivan when he gets back!

Dougett nodded, but did not argue, instead moving on to another important question. "What about the funding? Have you thought about it?"

"There's no need to worry about that. I managed to get Burke to tell me where the store vaults are. There are tens of thousands of Galleons in there, so even if we hire more people, we won't have to worry about funding for a while," Alicia explained.

Unfortunately, she was unable to access the large sum of money that the Burke family had saved up at Gringotts, but she was able to find a way to take over Burke's business, so that when the Wizarding Market was taken over in the future, she would not have to worry about a shortage of funds.

"That's good!" said Doggett, relieved. His friends were good men, but they did not come cheap.

"By the way, Doggett, do you have any idea how to take down Borgin and Burkes?" Alicia asked, remembering the deeds Ivan had brought back.

She hadn't wanted to get into trouble with Borgin and Burkes because she didn't want to get into trouble. After all, they were the ones who killed Burke, and if she got involved in the fight for ownership of the shop, the Ministry of Magic might find out.

But if Yvonne had that kind of ambition, she could have been more aggressive and adventurous.

After all, Borgin and Burkes was located in a good location and served as a staging area for Knockturn Alley.

"Burke's Wizarding Shop?" asked Doggett, frowning. As far as he knew, Borgin and Burke's was being targeted by a number of difficult characters.

However, when Alicia took out the title deed, Dougett's frown disappeared. He did not expect her to have it.

Coincidentally, his house had been bombed by Burke's men, and he needed a place to stay to help manage it!