Sixty Seconds to Die!

The sixty-second countdown appeared in the system column, and Ivan did not dare to delay. When the thought of destroying Voldemort rose in his mind, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a few words.

'You shouldn't be here today, Tom!'

As Ivan opened his mouth to speak, a sudden sense of danger washed over Voldemort, and he jerked his head to the side as a familiar figure appeared beside him.

Ivan's left hand curled into a fist, and his originally fair and slender arm rapidly expanded in just half a second, transforming into a ferocious dragon claw that flew straight at Voldemort's face…

In protective mode, he could perform such partial transformations almost instantaneously.

Lord Voldemort's pupils contracted. Ivan was faster than he had expected, and it was clearly too late to cast a spell in retaliation. It would be an extremely foolish move to take the blow head-on.

Therefore, Voldemort instinctively used Apparition, and his body flickered in mid-air for a moment before quickly re-forming.

It was only then that Voldemort realised, to his horror, that the surrounding space was filled with abnormally active magic, and that it would be several times more difficult for him to perform a spatial shift than usual…

Ivan's fist slammed into the snake's face, and Voldemort only had time to use his Bloodline Magic to turn part of his body into a black mist before he was sent flying, crashing into the abandoned house a dozen yards away.

Ivan was relentless, disappearing a second later and reappearing in the middle of the abandoned house. It was dark, but with the help of his magic he was able to see everything.

A boa constrictor as thick as a bucket was curled up on the beam, and the moment it sensed Ivan's entrance, it lunged at him with its jaws wide open.

Ivan raised his head and casually waved his left hand in the air. Several invisible magical threads appeared in the air, instantly tearing the terrifying boa limb into pieces.

Blood and chunks of flesh rained down from the sky, but before they could touch Ivan's body, they began to rapidly change shape. Countless burning rocks, large and small, floated in the air and flew at an unimaginable speed towards where Voldemort was hiding.

Each piece of flint was like a cannonball that immediately exploded when it hit an obstacle.

Flames and explosions filled the room, and in just three seconds, half of the abandoned house had collapsed.

A moment later, Lord Voldemort emerged from the flames, half of his body now black with smoke, although he did not seem to have suffered much damage other than a swollen face and a crooked mouth.

Ivan frowned. It seemed that Voldemort's ability to stay alive was even more terrifying than he had first thought. He was certain that both of his attacks had found their mark, but to little effect.

This meant that ordinary means would not work on this man who could transform into the black fog at any time.

Most importantly, his information about the previous battle had been leaked. The other party had been guarding against his snake eyes. It would not be easy to rely on bloodline magic to win this time.

"You deserve to die!"

Lord Voldemort was thoroughly enraged, and a violent fire rose from a crack in the worn floor, surrounding him to prevent Ivan from approaching again, while he waved his right hand and shouted.

"Avada Kedavra ~ (Avada Kedavra)"

A beam of green light, as thick as a man's arm, flashed through the air. Voldemort's murderous blow was unimaginably powerful.

However, Ivan was able to dodge the attack with ease. Under the protection mode, he was able to control the space within a hundred-meter radius of him, and performing Apparition was as easy as eating and drinking.

The green beam missed and struck the wall behind them, creating a crater.

Ivan appeared in front of Voldemort and pointed his wand. A red light shot out from his wand, which was even more powerful than the Killing Curse.

Voldemort's scalp went numb, and a rare look of panic appeared on his snake-like face. He summoned a solid silver shield out of thin air, and when the red light hit it, the shield instantly shattered.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another beam of light came towards him. Voldemort blocked it with difficulty, but the aftermath of the spell left his face covered in dirt.

Being repeatedly suppressed by a mere imp caused Lord Voldemort to become frustrated and frustrated. He waved his wand repeatedly, sending powerful dark magic flying out of it one after another, but was easily blocked by his opponent.

"Impossible… this is impossible!" Voldemort's voice shook with confusion as Ivan drew closer.

In his impression, although this young wizard in front of him was extremely talented and had already surpassed the level of an adult wizard before he even graduated, there was still a huge gap between their strength.

If the other party was really that powerful, he would not have been able to escape that night a few days ago…

Voldemort even began to suspect that Dumbledore was using Polyjuice Potion in disguise.

No, not even Dumbledore could suppress me so easily!

"Confused, Tom?" The minute was almost over, and Ivan was extremely anxious, but he managed to keep a relaxed and arrogant expression on his face.

He waved his wand to summon the Unicorn's Shadow, which he used in conjunction with his spell-casting attacks.

"This was supposed to be a surprise for Dumbledore, but you foolishly walked in and ruined it…"

"What a pity. If word got out that I killed you today, Dumbledore would be on his guard against me… You know, that old man is a lot tougher than you are…" Ivan smiled strangely, his scarlet dragon scales covering half his face, making him look extremely evil.

Lord Voldemort's Mist form avoided the two beams of light, and he felt a chill in his heart as his doubts were finally answered.

He could tell from Ivan's actions at Knockturn Alley that the young wizard in front of him was not as good and honest as he remembered from Sirius's childhood memories, but an ambitious man through and through!

The other party had always retained a portion of its strength, and the third bloodline magic it mastered was extremely powerful. Other than dragon scales, it could also form a domain of about a hundred meters and greatly increase its combat strength in this domain.

With such a trump card, as long as he could gain Dumbledore's trust, it would be easy to sneak up on and kill the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world…