7. Do Normal People Have Skill This Crazy? (Part 1)

Alright, I've put it off long enough, let's look at what these skills do. First up is the special system functions section.

[Skill Maker]

[A skill made specifically for you. You have taken in the essence of the system and can now make use of some of its properties. Through this skill, you can design special skills that suit your needs. Currently, you can use this skill up to three times a day.

Cost-Fifteen percent of current ####### per use]

This seems helpful, I can already imagine myself making a skill in the future to take care of certain enemies. Something like this will definitely come in handy against the Gods.

[System Assistant]

[You have been provided with a guide to assist you on your journey, they are both knowledgeable and reliable. Can grow with you as you evolve, and may eventually be able to assist you in battle. Using this skill does not take away from your pool of #######

Current Assistant- Asteria]

Asteria being able to assist in battle doesn't sound like a bad thing, In fact, I'll probably want reliable allies when I go to face off against those pantheons, and maybe in the future against those of the Outerfaction. Anyways the next skill after this one is [Passive Exp Gain], it's pretty self-explanatory what this skill does for me, so I feel no need to take a look at it. Although I guess it wouldn't hurt to see how much I gain.

[Passive Exp Gain]

[You gain a certain amount of Exp per hour, and it will be shown to you every twenty-four hours or whenever you awaken. The amount gained will increase with each evolution.

The current amount gained per hour-200 Exp]

200 per hour, and I assume here on this planet a day is twenty-four hours. You know since there are three suns in the sky, I thought the days would be longer. Eh, who cares really? Anyways next up is…

[Special Evolution Creator]

[Your existence is unnatural, therefore the system does not know how to correctly identify you. Whenever you reach your current level cap this skill will automatically kick in and create a special evolution just for you. Note that the evolution can be influenced by outside factors and how you currently view yourself.

Cost-Your entire pool of ####### will be used for the creation of the evolution]

So that explains why I'm classified as a Kitsune, and why my evolution went from ghastly to abyssal. Honestly, I am a little afraid of what options this thing will give me in the future, haaah…guess I'll cross that bridge when it eventually rears its ugly head. Welp let's continue on, our final skill in this section is…

[Auto Skill Point Allocation]

Once again this one seems pretty self-explanatory, the only thing is I have no idea what a skill point is.

[This skill will automatically distribute your points gained from leveling up into your core stats. You can view the history of your points allocation whenever through this skill. This skill does not make use of any of your current pool of #######]

That's nice and all, but I still have no idea what a skill point is. "Asteria, can you help me out here?"

[Certainly! Skill points are special values that are added to your stats. They are used to increase them as you level up]

"So these points are just an extra bonus given for achieving a level up and are used to give you a boost in power. And I'm guessing one would usually have to do this manually and put each point towards the stats that help in their specialization, is that right?"

[Yes, that is correct. You caught on quite quickly there]

"I see, alright then thanks for the help there, Asteria."

[It is my pleasure, oh, and also congratulations on your naming. Having a name will assist you on your travels]

"Thank you, Asteria. I thought pretty much the same thing when mother threw the idea out. By the way, you sound a bit more…I don't know, emotional? What I mean to say is that you've lost that monotone that you used to talk in."

[Yes, that was the result of your evolution. As you read earlier I can improve myself with each of your evolutions, I look forward to the day when we can talk face to face]

"I as well, until then rest well. I will call upon you whenever I require your wisdom."

[You take care as well, though I'm always here so I don't know why I said that. Anyways I shall await your next inquiry]

She really has started to form a personality of her own, hasn't she? Makes me wonder what she'll be like in the future. Alright then with that out of the way we have concluded our look at this section. Next up is active skills. I already know what the skills [Moment of Omnipotence], [Primordial Beast Soul Devouring], [Dark Tendrils of Destruction], and [Divine Whispering of Madness] do. [Divine Thought Processing and Acceleration] is also self-explanatory. [Dark Tendrils of Destruction] and [Divine Whispering of Madness] cost about the same amount of mana to use, that being twenty-thousand per minute. [Divine Thought Processing and Acceleration] allows me to instantly be able to view the world and think at a faster pace than those around me. It may even allow me to see things in slow motion. As a matter of fact, I'm using it right now to go through this skill list as we speak. Its cost is a measly five-thousand mana per minute, the fact that my mp regeneration is so fast basically nullifies its cost.

[False Data Reveal]

[This skill will immediately activate upon any unauthorized appraisal of your status giving the viewer a set of false information. You may craft this information to your liking. And for just an extra bit of mana, you can cast this skill over those you deem as allies, or over objects that you wish to be hidden.

Mp cost (Self)-10,000

Mp cost (When used on allies or objects)-15,000]

A useful skill when walking into an enemy town. In fact, I should be able to use this in conjunction with my illusion magic, quite the nice combination I've got here.

[Divine Entangling Embrace]

[Using your abnormal body and shapeshifting abilities, you are able to call forth dark tendrils to ensnare and trap your enemies for as long as you see fit. The effectiveness of this skill is based on your [STR] stat.

Activation cost-30,000 mp]

[Primordial Beast Roar of Intimidation]

[Release a roar that will cause one of the following effects on your enemies:

[Fear]- Causes your enemy to either flee without regard for the safety of their companions or to be rooted in place for an easy kill. This effect can be resisted by those of similar strength to you or those who are stronger than you.

[Stunned]-Causes your enemy to enter a state of confusion, leaving them open for attack. This effect can be resisted by those of similar strength to you or those who are stronger than you.

[Maddend]-Causes your enemy to go insane and start to lose their mind. They may even attack their own allies or become infatuated with you. Those with weaker mental fortitudes may die instantly. This effect can be resisted by those of similar strength to you or those who are stronger than you.

Each effect has its own percentage chance.

[Fear]-40% chance

[Stunned]-50% chance

[Maddend]-10% chance. There is a 5% chance that this effect is immediately chosen due to your passive skill [Unnatural Tongue].

Mp cost-100,000]

This looks like it'll come in handy, especially against a group of weak foes who are only there to slow me down. What if innocents get in the way you ask? Doesn't matter to me, if you're not interesting enough and you stand in the way of my goals, I will not hesitate to take care of you. Innocence won't play a factor in my decision to spare your life. Morals? Who cares about those? Both my parents and Master taught me that you should let nothing stand in the way of your goals. As I said before only those who interest me get my time, Kasen and his group piqued my interest, so I helped them. Simple as that. The Tatenushins? Same for them they caught my interest, and I'll admit they were my way of dealing with my loss. But now that I have finally composed myself, I will do whatever it takes to complete my task for Loki and then I will return to my home and slaughter those who killed my family. Now then, that's enough rambling about all that let's return to our scheduled program.

[Primordial Beast Physique Enhancement]

[A buffing skill that increases your [STR], [DEF], [SPD], and [DEX] stats by 50% for thirty minutes. In exchange, your [STA] stat will decrease 30% faster during the duration of the skill.

Mp cost-50,000]

[Aura Overwhelm]

[You are able to control your aura beyond a normal person's capabilities. Using your ability you are able to form a domain of your solidified aura, trapping enemies within and decreasing their stats by 10% while increasing you and your allies by 15%. Your domain is also able to devour the aura domains of those weaker than you, granting you extra stats.

You may also infuse your domain with a magical element of your choice if you so wish. Current elements available:

[Illusionary Domain]

[Domain of The Void Dweller]

[Chaotic Domain of Dominace]

[Domain of The Abyssal Empress]

You may also combine different domains together forming a special domain, keep in mind that your allies may also benefit from the type of domain you create. Current fusion domains available:

[Domain of the Luminous Stargazer] (Void and Illusion)

[Domain of the Illusion of Chaos] (Chaos and Illusion)

[Domain of Abyssal Confusion ] (Illusion and Abyss)

[Divine Domain of The Kitsune Sovereign] (All elements)

Mp cost-May vary depending on the type of domain you wish you erect]

Once again this will prove useful against larger groups of enemies. It didn't say it, but I can bet that any element besides the one the domain is made from will have its effectiveness reduced. It may even prove useful in a one-on-one situation. I highly doubt anyone has access to the elements I do, except for the illusion attribute. Next up is…

[Spatial Teleportation]

[Using your knowledge of the layers between reality you can transport yourself and others at the cost of your mana. The more you wish to transport the more mana is required.

Base Mana cost-500,000]

Ok, this one seems quite useful, though I don't know what it means by me knowing about the layers between reality. I guess it must mean how I know about the existence of different dimensions and the existence of the Void that surrounds them. Each dimension is separated by the Void and to traverse through it you must be powerful lest you fall to its darkness. Now that I think about it, I was able to move through the Void with the spell [Void Walker] in my previous state. Does that mean I would be able to go to different dimensions if I travel far enough? That is an exciting prospect, but I've already got enough on my agenda here on this planet.

Anyways with that, we have concluded the active skill section, let's do the passive skills next. The first three are all easy enough to understand. Though with the [Appraisal Block] skill, doesn't that invalidate [False Data Reveal]? I guess it may not be a skill many have, and the false data one is more common. If I have to at some point pose as a regular inhabitant, having [Appraisal Block] active will give me away. I'll have to be tactical in its use.

Anyways next up is [Divine Language Translation], but I already know what it does. It gives me the ability to learn, speak, and write whatever language I come across in a matter of seconds. Since it's a passive skill and uses nothing but some mental power to keep active I have it on all the time, there's no reason not to after all. The skill after it, [Aura Release], is also pretty self-explanatory. It allows me to release and control how much of my passive aura is released from my body. I had already made use of it against those humans from before, in fact, I still haven't turned it back on, so no aura is being released from my body at all. I can already assume that this skill will work well in conjunction with [Aura Overwhelm].

Next up is [Primordial Divine Beast Illogical Physique].

[Primordial Divine Beast Illogical Physique]

[The nature of your body is both strange and wonderful. It is capable of taking no physical damage when in its gaseous state, while also dishing it out. Due to its illogical nature, it is capable of feats such as perfect shapeshifting, the title [True Shapshifter] further enhances this effect. Such a body is capable of fooling even the brightest of minds. Taking specific forms may affect the values of your stats, but that is for you as the user to find out.

This passive provides you with a permanent increase in your [DEF], [RES], [END], [STA], [DEX], and [SPD] stats by 30%]

This is pretty useful in turns of my durability and effectiveness in battle. If need be, it will assist in helping me escape.

[Primordial Beast Indomitable Will]

[Your desire to let nothing stand in your way and to see your goals accomplished is unwavering. None you face are able to shake this determination, any who stand in your way shall fall for your cause.

This skill enhances the effect of the buff placed on you and your allies during the use of the skill [Aura Overwhelm] by 30% and will also assist in the devouring of domains stronger than yours, while also increasing your chance to inflict negative status effects on those stronger than you. ]

Seems useful enough. The next two skills after this one are easily understandable. One assists in the regeneration of my hp and mp, and the other one helps me keep my mental fatigue to a minimum. After those two there are three left.

[Fox Form]

[With this skill you are able to take the true form of the Kitsune, a large fox that is almost unmatched in strength.

Grants a 50% increase to all stats, except for [SPD] which gains a 10% increase]

[Gaseous Body]

[Your true form is one made up of only gas and shadow. When taking this form you receive no damage from physical attacks, but your own also lose out on strength. In this form, magical attacks will have a greater effect]

[Solid Body]

[With your perfect shapeshifting ability you are able to take a fully solid form. While in this solid-state, physical attacks become more effective, while magical attacks have their effects lowered]

These three are pretty nice I guess. Though I don't see myself ever using the [Fox Form] skill. Though I guess I could use it for intimidation. Anyways that's the last of the passive skills. Next up we move on to magic. First up is the abyss magic section. All my void spells that used to be here are now abyss related, so the few I used against the humans from before may be completely different now. I wonder, will I get any info by checking out the title of the section?

[Primordial Magic: Abyss Magic]

[You have gained access to an attribute that not even gods have dabbled in before, only those known as the Primordial Deities have been able to wield its power, that is until…you]

Oh what do you know, I did get info out of it. So I've managed to become a user of attributes that not even gods wield? That does put a smile on my face. No doubt with such power, the mana cost of it must be ridiculous, so I can't be careless in its use. Anyway, let's take a look at our options.

[Abyss Magic: Abyss Walker]

[With your understanding of the Abyss you are able to traverse through it without getting lost or losing yourself to madness. While you are in the Abyss the time of the world outside slows down around you.

You are also able to walk in the realm above it known as the Void with ease

Mana Cost-100,000 per second (When in the Abyss)

Mana Cost-100,000 per minute (When in the Void)]

So this is just the better version of the [Void Walker] spell I had before. Who knew that the Void had a lower realm than it? Anyways I can use this if I get in a spot of trouble, whether that be to strategize or escape. Though it seems this wouldn't be the skill to use during an escape if I had allies with me.

[Abyss Magic: Abyssal Hell]

[Summon forth a zone made out of the Abyss, within it your enemies will be unable to breathe and some may even go crazy due to the never-ending expanse, even gods may be struck with madness when left for too long in such a place.

Mana cost-50,000 per minute]

This one seems more like a spell used to trap your enemy, this could be useful in a situation where I need to focus on one enemy. I'm assuming the way it works is it makes the target think that no matter how far they walk or how many attacks they release, there will be no escape. Quite the devastating spell in my opinion. Beating your opponent physically isn't always the way to victory after all.

[Abyss Magic: All-Encompassing Abyss]

[Call forth the power of the Abyss to trap your foes within a domain made from its essence. The aberrations of the Abyss will claw at your opponent's leaving only their corpses as your trophy.

Mana Cost-3,000,000,000]

This is just the upgraded version of the void version, I'm assuming. I never looked at the previous description, so I wouldn't know. Though it would be nice to know the radius of the attack, where is that at? "Asteria?"

[When you first activate the attack you are able to designate a spot for it to begin. As for the radius, it seems to have a maxim of about fifteen meters]

"Fifteen meters isn't bad at all, thank you Asteria."


Once again, Asteria has proved her worth to me. As I said before, being able to have a reliable ally will come in handy against the Gods. Even if she can only provide me with information, she is still a valuable resource, and my parents taught me to always make use of any resources available.

[Abyss Magic: Abyssal Strengthening]

[Using the essence of the Abyss, you are able to buff both yourself and your allies' stats by a value of 30%. Be warned though, those who are not accustomed to the essence of the Abyss will suffer a heavy backlash if the buff is left on them for too long.

Mp cost- 60,000,000,000 per activation, note that any who are under the effect of the buff and are not familiar with the Abyss will only be able to keep it for 10 minutes. Any longer and they will suffer a backlash]

This spell is what my parents would call a double-edged sword. While I'll most likely be fine, my allies will not fare as well. Either way, this will be helpful.

[Abyss Magic: Abyssal Space Creation]

[Your knowledge of the Abyss allows you to be able to mold it to your liking. With this spell, you are able to make your own space within the Abyss. Using your mana you are able to make your vision a reality within the space.

Upon the creation of your space, you will gain a [Abyssal key]. This key is required to enter your space. You can also gift to those you view as allies a key to your space. Once inside they are given the [Resident of The Abyss] title. There is a set amount of time a space can stay within the Abyss. In order to keep your space from disappearing, you must inject mana into the center of the space.

Mp cost for the creation of space- 60,000,000

Requirement to keep the space from disappearing-7,000

Current duration of Space-7 years]

[Resident of The Abyss]

[A title granted to those who have entered into a space created by one who can wield the power of the Abyss. Grants you the ability to safely reside within the Abyss for as long as you'd like, while also giving you a slight immunity to the effects of the Abyss]

Well, that was quite a lengthy explanation. So I imagine that this space will be the same as the one I created before, while I may be able to make it look like a lush forest, it won't be. It'll only be a cheap imitation, though I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try later.

[Abyss Magic: Onlooker From the Abyss]

[Through your use of the Abyss, you've gained the attention of the powerful entity who dwells within it. Call forth their power to unleash devastating attacks upon your foes.

[Eyes Of Abyssal Hatred]: The many eyes of the being watch with disdain upon those who think they can oppose you. Summon forth their thousands of eyes to deal a multitude of curses upon your enemies. ([Poison], [Hemorrhage], [Blindness], [Maddend], [Cursed], and [Frenzy])

[Judgemental Hands That Bring About Calamity]: The arms of the being are both swift and powerful, call upon their might to vanquish your foes in a devastating display of power.

[Mouth That Speaks Words of Devastation]: The being speaks in a language not meant for the ears of mortal beings, bring forth this power to cause the [Maddend] status effect to be inflicted on your enemies.

[Tails and Tentacles Of Pain And Destruction]: The abnormal appendages of the being are plentiful and powerful, use their power to devastate those who wrong you.

Mp cost: 50,000,000,000]

So, now I have someone else besides mother watching me? That is quite annoying, though like her they bring benefits. I guess I will have to deal with it for now. Anyways this spell provides me with both a way for physical attacks and a way to inflict status effects, seems pretty good to me. Although so far I only know what the [Maddend] status effect does. I guess [Poison] and [Hemorraphe] are easy enough to understand. One well poisons my enemy, while the other makes them bleed profusely. I guess it ticks down their health by a certain percentage until they're dead. Now then what do the rest do?

[Blindness: Your enemy is unable to see correctly and their mind becomes confused. This causes them to be inept at combat, while also hindering their ability to use their skills]

[Cursed: Your enemy's healing effectiveness is reduced by 50%, their magic becomes harder to cast, and they take 35% more damage from attacks. This status effect is impossible to remove unless [Holy Magic] or high-level [Light Magic] is used]

[Frenzy: Your enemy goes berserk and is unable to differentiate between friend and foe. They gain a 15% increase to all stats when attacking those you consider enemies]

All of these look like they'll come in handy, especially in big groups. I can already see it now; an army raised to fight against me, the look on the enemy's faces when their allies turn on them. A cruel smile appeared on my face as that thought crossed my mind. I shook my head to rid myself of it so that I can finally look at the last two spells in this section.

[Abyss Magic: All Consuming Abyssal Beam]

[Call upon the power of the Abyss and unleash a beam of its pure essence. This beam has a chance to negate all incoming attacks.

Mp cost-30,000,000,000

Current chance to negate attacks-20%]

A nice simple attack spell, with a hidden bonus; I like it. Doesn't cost that much to fire either, even better.

[Abyss Magic: Summon Abyssal Aberration]

[Beings of the Abyss are drawn to you, call upon them to use them however you wish. Summons a creature of the user's choice to fulfill tasks given to it. The beings that are summoned have their stats based on their summoner and will remain until their [Mp] is depleted.

Current selection: [Abyssal Hell Knight] [Abyssal Flyer] [Wall of Abysmal Flesh]

Current percentage of stats copied from user-0.001%

Mp cost: 20,000,000,000]

[Abyssal Hell Knight: The creatures are known to walk about the Abyss, guarding the ruined structures and dimensions that fall to its darkness. They are the remnants of these fallen dimensions, twisted by The Onlooker for their sick pleasure]

[Abyssal Flyer: These creatures are small, but vicious by nature. They will usually feed on the great walls of abysmal flesh that sit around ruined dimensions and are the natural enemies of the Abyssal Hell Knights]

[Abysmal Wall of Flesh: A large wall made from the flesh of the inhabitants of the ruined dimensions scattered throughout the Abyss, they will usually settle around these ruined dimensions and gain protection from the Abyssal Flyers, due to the Abyssal Hell Knights that guard the ruined dimensions]

Ok, well this is something that will definitely be of use. The knights can be used as an army, the walls of flesh as protection, and the flyers as scouts. They'll be under my control through the spell, so I won't have to be worried about betrayal and the like. I can use these to watch the town while I'm out and about, though based on the name [Abysmal Wall of Flesh] I can assume they won't look the nicest. Well, I have my illusion magic, so I should be able to change their look. Speaking of illusion magic, let's move on over to that section.