Sirens filled the entire neighborhood, they could be heard from at least a one-mile distance, the colors, red and blue, were swimming in the shadows and everywhere as the three friends drove through the crowd, hoping that Jason was still alive, and even if he had been possessed it was fine, because there was hope that he could be freed from the possession. When they drew closer to the hotel which had been utterly destroyed, they started questioning the policemen and the fire fighters if there were any deaths, but the good news was that there were only injuries. Aires recognized a woman she had seen in an earlier vision while they were at the campsite, just like she had seen, the woman held a baby wrapped in a white linen clothe, so she got closer to her and asked "Did you see what happened? Everything I mean" the poor woman shivering from fear replied, "Yes, I did. There were people not older than you. Do you know them? The boy... ... he looked like a good person, but it's his fault that this whole place burnt down, that's all I saw..." "Wait" she continued " the other people with him, I don't know if they were really with him, they were different, they had red eyes, yes!" She repeated, as if she were convincing herself " What happened to the boy, the one you saw, the helper?" Aires interrupted, not really interested in the story but in finding her friend "they took him" she said " they took him away, he fell unconscious when I saw something slip right into him, they then dragged him away using the back door, all of them." " Okay thank you, thank you a lot, this is really going to help us." Aires replied, leaving a pat on her shoulder, "Please do not tell anything to the police, we can fix this" Elena chipped in. "What can you possibly do?" She sighed with irritation "you're teenagers" "Please Ma'am" Aires pleaded with a small panicky voice " he's our friend, and he was trying to help you, the police will misinterpret everything, his life is in danger and his life is in your hands, please don't do this" "that lad is a monster" she shouted, "Monsters think for themselves only" Elena said with a gentle remonstrance tone, trying to keep it quiet so that nobody would hear them "look quit being ungrateful he saved your life and that of your child's, now his is in your hands... If anything happens to him because of what you say to others about what happened, your conscience will judge you, if he was a monster why was he being hunted? Think about it! " Elena took the keys from Vanessa and asked the two to get back in the car, they were going to Jason's house. Before they took off, an officer stopped them and asked "Whose car is this and do you have a license to drive?" She tilted her head and gave a sigh?" "No, why would we be in a car which is not ours? That is my mum right there" She pointed to the woman with the baby "she asked us to go pick up something from the house" The woman nodded her agreement, probably her conscience was eating her up already. They took off to Jason's house, unsure of what they were going to say to his parents.

There was nobody outside when they got there, so they blew the horn to wake anyone inside, up and stepped out of the car. Aires led them to the door and knocked, before it would even open her fingers began to shiver. In less than a minute it opened, Jason's mother's head popped up in the corner "Aires, Ella what're you doing here? Isn't it late?" She asked astounded, "Yes, sorry to disturb your sleep, it's about your son, is he here?" "I should be asking you two, where is my son" she said with obvious irritation. "Well about your son....we can explain" " what I asked was a question and I didn't expect an explanation, I just want know his whereabouts, where is my son?" "Jason is not here with us Mrs Danielson!" "Then where the hell is he", his father came up from behind her and held his wife to himself "Aires, what happened" "it's a long story, but your son is alive Sir, we don't know for how long, but we assure you we will..." "What the hell do you mean you don't know for how long?" Jason's mother could not hold it "Will you calm down and give them a chance to speak, Janet?" Jason's father shouted at his wife, turning to their guests he said "Aires, go on tell me what happened". Aires took a deep breathe "Well Sir, like I said it's a long story and if I tell you what happened today you wouldn't believe, so I'll have to tell you from the start." "It's about our son, ain't it? We'll listen" he assured. Aires spared a couple of minutes to summarize everything, but what good would a summary do? "Augh " Mr. Danielson groaned, "I should have known that witch had a hand in this crap, she fed him with fairy tales" referring to Jason's grandmother. "Sorry about my language" he apologized, "it's all bullshit, you can't trust any of what she said or you saw, it could be hallucinations" "On the key set right now there are five keys, the one currently inserted has the inscriptions 'Arc' written in capital letters, you forgot to turn the television off, it's currently showing a telenovela titled Three sides of Anna, you had a chocolate tea for dinner without sugar and that is because your wife says you take too much sugar so you wanted to prove that you can change" Elena pointed out, Mr. Danielson went mouth wide open "How did you know that?" " Last week when we went there only for 3 days, The Reformer taught us these things, and to prove to you we weren't hallucinating, Elly had to do that." Aires explained "Now that we have your attention" Elena took over "We are here because Jason is not with us, he has been possessed, by one of the demons Aires told you about, their plan is to destroy every living creature here and everywhere if we don't stop them. To do that they need human bodies, so when the girl came back she started a club, and Jason offered to join in order to get useful information about their every move so that we will intercept them while we find a way to get them back to where they came from and prevent the apocalypse from ever happening. Tonight he was to meet them at the hotel which has been wrecked under a new identity, they tried to possess him, but he ended up setting the whole hotel down in order to save himself and the people present at the hotel. According to eyewitness, he got possessed, my visions showed me only to the point where he went unconscious, we were taught that if they possess you and you are not compatible you will go unconscious and eventually die, but that won't happen to your son as long as we live, we promise to get him back because he's our friend too. Do not tell anyone about this, if Perry finds out that we know Jason has been possessed, maybe your son's life will be in danger-" Elena closed her eyes tightly and touched the floor "Jason is on his way here. They are two souls in one body, here's where you come in, to avoid suspicions they would definitely bring him home, you won't be having your son here with you for the next couple of days, his actions will be different, this is because he is not in control, but from what I can feel and see right now he will hear you when you speak, but can't answer or react, he's staying calm to avoid losing his life. We can save him, Aires is mastering a kind of spell that can get our Jason back. Please don't do anything to arouse suspicions, treat him the same way you treat him every day. We're out of time, he's here" Everyone looked over their shoulders when they heard footsteps approaching, coming to the light they noticed it was Jason, " Wow!" he said "I didn't know I have people who get worried about me this much, well hooray! I'm alive" , Aires quickly ran into his arms and hugged him tightly, Elena then followed in her footsteps, " You are a survivor" Elena said "How dare you get us worried like that, we thought you died in the fire, crazy kid" Aires countered, "Oh son we were worried about you " his mother came out and hugged him as well, spreading his shabby hair across his face " please don't go to those meetings again I was worried sick about you" " Mum" he laughed " I'm fine, I can go to the meetings everyday it's wonderful out there, it was great, I feel.... alive folks" turning to Vanessa and the rest of the two friends, he said "there's nothing to see here, I'm alive and that's all that matters, your parents will be on the street looking for you while you're here checking me out" Aires pouted, Jason makes jokes, but these sound nothing like him, " Okay then, since you're sacking us cos you got Mommy around, we're glad you're back, see you at school tomorrow" Aires joked " Ohhh I can't wait for tomorrow " he grinned, everything was different, he had really changed but nobody could talk about it, due to fear. Aires, Elena and Vanessa said their goodbyes, and departed from the house. On their journey back home, the conversation continued, "Without Jason we should still continue to fight" Aires raised, "truth is I'm wondering if Vanessa will join us, strength in numbers you know" "But will The Reformer agree? " Elena questioned, keeping her eyes on the road, "We could speak to her and see if you can become one of us, you know our whole secrets no right" Aires continued, looking at Vanessa in the dark. "We can't do this on our own, there are only two of us, can you join us, please even if until Jason is reinstated?". " Are you kidding?" She smiled, " like I'll say no to a paranormal related stuff, we're talking all I've ever dreamed about here, like hell I'm in" "Woah, wait, your parents cannot find out about this cos they might freak out" Elena cautioned, "Duh! Why the hell will I tell them, they wouldn't believe me if I told them." " There is only one rule, that, is don't use it for personal gains, because you can freak people out with this and it's against the laws of nature people tend to dislike everything they do not understand" Elena replied, she was thinking more about safety here and trying to get the new girl not show off like how she wants to show off so badly. As they drew closer to Aires' junction, she wrapped up the conversation, saying "I'll let you know what The Reformer says at school tomorrow, for now, adios." She got out and continued the remaining twenty seconds journey home. Elena and Vanessa headed in the direction of Elena's house, listening and singing along to ' country road' as they drove through the night.


I got home exhausted and told Mom all what happened, then I requested she should wake me up early morning, in case by five thirty I wasn't awake. I was going to speak to the Reformer and I didn't know how long it would take. I grabbed a Pepsi-Cola and then a biscuits and went upstairs to my room to cross my legs like I do every time. After I had enough to fill my tummy, I began to meditate then a spell came into my mind, it presented itself in the form of a bright moon, shining in all its radiance, then I saw it crack like an eggs shell, inside it was a spell written in a language like that of the others which were written in the books the Reformer handed to me back at HOMER, though I did not understand the words, I struggled to read what I could pronounce, trying to make them sound English as I could because of the vowels within them, they read "Fýlakas, esý pou eísai to evgenikó zontanó pnévma, deíxe ton eaftó sou, tóra eínai pou se anazitá to protektoráto sou." I felt myself being lifted up and suspended in midair, then at once I was transport in a great speed towards the moon but before my stretched out hands could touch the cracks, the moon expanded and swallowed me up. For a moment it felt so comfortable and fluffy, then my eyes opened up, "A bed?!"

I could tell the look on my face was priceless when I said that, " Is it you Aires?" I heard the voice of the Reformer, as she muttered, "You're good at giving entrances and pretending you know" I laughed and picked myself up from the soft comfortable bed which I wished were mine. "You still have to learn how to own the spells Chosen One, there are a lot of ways to communicate and not necessarily coming all the way here" she offered me some water to drink and I sat next to her at the window, staring at the flowers she had been watering ever since we discovered her existence, "I didn't choose to come here, I wanted a conversation inside my room cos last time I came here people told me I was away for a week." "That sometimes happens, I have no control over time in my world and over yours. So you're here because...?" "Yeah right" I said, "you warned me last time about an upcoming possession, I'm not blaming you, but you could have told me it's Jason you meant, maybe I would have known what to do." "Sometimes we must force ourselves to see the good in all situations, I'm sure you have heard that before" "But we need him to be able to defeat the Legion Army" "Do you think you need them? You Jason, Elena? No you don't" "Yes I do, what are you saying?" "I am saying Aires, that you become weak when you let your feelings get in the way of the greater good" "since when did you start thinking only of yourself" "Since the very second your statements proved you will choose one person over thousands. You do not understand how nature works, everything happens for a reason and the sooner you get that, the better! Jason is in there, not dead, that is to motivate you to master the spell to save everyone and him as well. How do you get to save everyone from an apocalypse when you have no idea what your opponent is thinking? I'll tell you how, your friend is alive, with his help you can defeat the Legion, instead of trying to blame me for his current state, you should rather be asking how to communicate with him without their knowing, he's good as dead in there, how do you think Elena could sense his coming? They think he's dead so the demon in him to you as way to get information from you to destroy you and you must play the game with them, communication to your Jason can be done through dream telepathy now, I appeared to you through dreams and you can do same, I don't have to be telling you all these, you must learn from me, you are my successor, this place is yours, not so long from now you will have to take over and protect your people, because I was blessed to see your coming, and I have served my purpose, except to sacrifice myself for you. I told you before I have a protective spell over you and your two friends, so they have no power over you, but he who will be taken, who is dearest to your sister, is far from my reach, his life is in your hands, master the ways of old, and you will save his life, leave Jason in there, he is playing his role, but if you fail yours, you will grieve with your sister and it will be your fault, you do not pay attention. For the girl you wish to recruit, I do not stop you, every chosen one must be given the chance to make their own mistakes, give this to her " in her hand were tiny eggs, each upon a closer look had the skin of a different animal, " if she succeeds in eating and not crushing any of them, then she can be part of you, but trust her less than you trust Elena, and Jason, do not come running when she betrays your trust, I do not say recruit her not, you'll need her, she is your enemy, my doom." "What do you mean?" "Go Aires, and don't come back until you have completed your quest, I am with you, call for me when you need me, I walk with you, I'm present where you are, I will guide you through the book I gave you, study it and you will defeat them, but hurry up, the clock is ticking." Before I could say anything, I was dragged in haste by a force I could see, towards the bed, then I was thrown out of it into the sky and the next thing was me coming out of the cracked moon, then I stood still, the words I had seen changed, then I heard a voice say to me "Eat It" in a loud roar, the words advanced towards me and my mouth was forced to open wide for the words to be swallowed, I saw a light that was very bright, coming out of my mouth. My eyes went shut after that event, the next thing I saw, was a new day.