Chapter 17: Target Secured

Ryan - "Alright, give me a minute to devise a plan."

Ryan acted like he was thinking, but on the inside, he was gloating. All his planning had been precise to the point so far.

That right, Ryan had used his knowledge of the plot to his fullest advantage.

Otherwise, why do you think a kid who just volunteered would take an interest in the security design where he worked at.

It was part of the first few questions Ryan had asked in his first shift at the play area.

Looking at the three thousand points given by the system so far.

Ryan couldn't help but wonder how many points he would have for making a change that didn't exist in the original plot.

Ryan - "I got it, but we have to involve uncle Cameron for my plan to work."

Mitchell - "Do we have to? You know it's embarrassing."

Ryan - "Do you want the footage deleted or not?"

Mitchell - "Yes, I do"

Ryan - "Let's go over to him."

Ryan, Mitchell, and Lily head toward Cameron, sitting by the ball pit.

Ryan - "Hi, we need to talk."

Cameron - "What's Poppin?"

Mitchell - "What's Poppin really?"

Ryan - "Are you really in a position to speak right now?"

Mitchell was left speechless, but he had to agree with Ryan.

Ryan - "So are you going to explain it, or do you expect a teen to?"

Mitchell - "Cam, I don't know what's happened to me, but I just stole a baby's intellectual property."

Cameron - "What"

Ryan - "Not this again. We get it. You are a lawyer. Can't you use normal words?"

Mitchell - "Fine, but I have to say you are being quite rude about this."

Ryan - "Says the guy who stole blocks from a kid."

Cameron - "Can you guys please stop fighting."

Ryan - "Fine, sorry, I am just a little over the edge."

"So uncle Mitchell stole blocks from Tyler and claimed they were Lily's."

Mitchell - "Get to the main crux of the problem."

Ryan - "By the way, he got taped while doing it."

Cameron - "You did what. After all that telling me to tone down my behavior. Well done, Mitchell. Well done."

Mitchell - "Can you already tell us the plan."

Ryan - "Okay, so we."

Before Ryan couldn't finish speaking, a loud shout came from behind him.

Danielle - "Oh, look who is here, Anton and Scott."

Everyone busts into claps and cheering.

Anton - "Sorry we are late."

Scott - "Don't look at me. The eye candy here can't leave the house without spending twenty minutes in front of the mirror."

Cameron - "Are you kidding me."

Mitchell - "I am so sorry."

Cameron - "I would have killed for this crowd, but you had to clip my wings."

Ryan - "I am sorry we don't have time for this. Listen, the plan is that uncle Cameron, Lilly, and I will head over for the family's dance that's about to start."

"In the meantime, uncle Mitchell you will have to steal the card and deletes the footage. Am I clear?"

Mitchell - "Yes"

"Come on, Cam, I swear I will make it up to you."

Cameron - "Fine, I am in."

Mitchell then headed towards Danielle's purse and stood there awaiting the start of the dance.

Ryan - "Alright, uncle Cameron you have to show your best dance moves possible. You don't have to worry about Lily. I will take care of her in the crowd."

Cameron - "Oh, don't you worry, I will show you all my moves."

Danielle - "Okay, parents, it's time for family dance."

Music starts playing, and on cue, Mitchell grabs ahold of Danielle's purse and goes to a camera blind spot.

Cameron then enters the group of parents dancing and starts going wild. He bumps into Scott during his dance, pushing Scott into sitting down.

Cameron occupies the entire circle on his own through his crazy dance moves.

On the other side, Mitchell finally enters the camera footage room. He first deletes the footage of him stealing the blocks but finds that their planning and actions are clearly audible.

So Mitchell decides to delete the entire day's footage to avoid being found. He even turned off all the cameras to make them look malfunctioning.

Mitchell then leaves the room and returns to the main play area, putting the card back inside the purse.

He heads towards Ryan and Lilly and spots a wild Cameron going all out.

Mitchell then shows a thumbs-up sign to Cameron, who sees Mitchell's gesture, stops dancing, and comes out of the circle.

Danielle - "Wow, wasn't that fun."

Cameron - "Oh, I think I hurt myself."

Cameron then walked out of the toddler's play class holding his back.

Mitchell - "By the way, sorry about earlier."

Ryan - "No problem, I am sorry too."

Mitchell - "Alright, have a good day, kid."

Ryan - "You too."

Ryan then handed Lily over to Mitchell, but she grabbed hold of Ryan's finger and won't let it go.

Ryan - "Ha, look now, she starting to grab things."

Mitchell - "I guess it's been a bonding experience for all of us, isn't that right, Lily."

Lily and Mitchell then left the toddler play class, and as it was the end of Ryan's shift, he got his paper signed and started to cycle his way home.

When he arrived earlier, he had ensured his bicycle had come along with the car as he planned to cycle back home.

You see, he had to make it look realistic, like he had actually been cycling before suddenly encountering the Dunphy family.

Why go through all that effort, you ask? The more realistic his setting at the location, the more point he could earn.

That information had cost him 1,000 points. As he got it by chance and deciphered what the system was implying.

When making this plan, you see, Ryan also wanted to maximize the number of points earned, so he had undergone a Q and A session with his system before finalizing the plan.

You know he wants to be the very best like no one ever was. He knew it was his destiny.