Chapter 69: Fizbo (Part 1)

Jay is seen walking through a door to the emergency room ward wearing a light brown overcoat. As soon as he enters the door, he sees Mitchell in front of a counter filling in some forms in a dark brown sweater with grey stripes.

Jay sees Mitchell and instantly asks, "Do we know anything yet?"

Mitchell leaves the paper, looks back at Jay, and answers, "No, they are in there now with the doctor. He got lucky though paramedics said it could have been much worse."

Hearing Mitchell's reply, Jay couldn't help but say, "My god, how did this even happen?"

A Few Days Earlier (aka before picnic arc)

Phil and Claire are seen sitting at the kitchen counter enjoying a cup of morning coffee.

Phil is wearing a brown jacket with an upturned collar, while Claire is wearing a purple full-sleeve shirt.

Luke then suddenly enters the room.

Phil, upon seeing Luke asks, "There he is. The big day is coming up. What do you want for your birthday big dog?"

In a yellow speed machine 57 t-shirt, Luke replies in a lowering pitch, "It's okay. I am fine."

Phil points at Luke and then gets up from his seat and speaks while walking toward Luke, "Come on, the sky is the limit. Dream big, my boy."

Luke replies, "Well, I guess I could use the belt."

If an Asian was in this room, he would look at Luke with shock. As what type of child asks to be hit by the belt? Then again, Luke was a white boy, so maybe a belt meant something else in this context.

In her seat, holding her coffee cup, Claire asked, "A belt?"

Luke replies, "Yeah, you are right. I don't need it."

Luke then rolls up his yellow shirt showing his brown pants, and says, "The extension cord looks pretty good."

Claire, in the back, hearing this lets out a depressed and shocked sigh

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Phil and Claire are seen sitting on their iconic yellow couch.

Phil is wearing a full-on black suit, while Claire is wearing a dress with a mix of colors.

You know, the kind of dress that looks like a bunch of orphans just threw paint on the floor, and someone said, ah, that looks nice. Let's make it into a dress.

Phil starts speaking, "Every year, Luke's birthday falls right around thanksgiving, and so it gets lost in the holiday shuffle."

Claire continues, "You know, one year, we forgot completely, and we had to improvise a cake of stuffing.

Phil continued, "Which, by the way, he was fine with. He's one of those kids. You get him a gift and all he wants to do is play with the box.

If there was someone Phil and Claire were talking to instead of a room, that person would have replied, "Are you perhaps looking for the word autistic?"

Claire continued supporting Phil's point and added, "Yeah, one year we actually just… got him a box. A really nice box."

Phil knowing where this is going, said, "And we made the mistake of putting it in a gift bag."

As if stating a fact at this point, Claire said in a squeaky voice, "So he played with the gift bag."

Phil continued, "We just can't get it right."

After Phil spoke, both of them shook their heads, clearly disappointed for being bad parents.

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After being told to do so, Luke leaves the living room and heads back to his room to remove the cord and change his pants.

Phil turns around to Claire and says, "I feel terrible. We have got to do something."

Claire stands up and replies, "Yeah, um, well, you know the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving for the first time in I don't even know how long, so..."

Phil points at Claire and starts walking towards her, saying, "I am so with you. We should blow this out and throw Luke the best birthday party of all time."

Claire does hand gestures of holding a huge stack of pizzas and replies, "Yes! Yes, we'll order a whole bunch of pizzas and set up an arts and crafts table.

Phil is taken aback and asks, "Wait, what?"

Claire replies as if she is stating something obvious, "a arts and crafts table! You know, everybody… gathers around, and they make stuff, and then bam! They've got their own party favor."

Phil, who was keenly hearing to understand what in the world Claire was talking about once Claire was done, acts like he fell asleep midway.

Phil then wakes up and says, "Sorry, I fell asleep while you were describing one of the most boring parties of all time."

Phil then looks at the camera and smiles before getting hit by Claire.

Upon being hit, Phil said, "Ouch, that hurt."

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Phil and Ryan are seen sitting on the yellow couch. Phil is still wearing the same outfit as before, while Ryan is wearing a black jacket, a white shirt, a blue scarf, a black top hat, and light blue denim jeans.

Ryan speaks, "Wow, I can't believe Claire could come up with such a cool party."

Phil replies, "Tell me about it. Wait, what did you just say?"

Ryan continued, "Yeah, a arts and crafts table where you knit your own bag for a comb or a wallet. That's so cool."

Phil, hearing Ryan looked at him with shock and asked, "No way you think this right? Tell me, how much did Claire give you to say this?"

Ryan answered, "No, I am being genuine."

Claire then suddenly appears out of nowhere wearing the same mix color dress.

Claire speaks, "See honey, even Ryan thinks it is a good idea."

Phil replied, "No way that you just appeared. This is definitely a setup. I didn't expect you to betray me like this, Ryan."

Ryan replied, "I didn't betray no one. I really think so. It would be a fabulous party idea if we were in the 18th century."

Phil, hearing this, burst into laughter and said, "Ha, you got me, Ryan, you really got me."

Meanwhile, Claire stood there angry, with her hand turned into a fist.

Phil whispered, "You better run, boy. Taking a punch from her really hurts."

Ryan replied, "Well, to punch me, she would have to catch me first."

Ryan then jumped up from his couch and ran for his life while Claire chased after him.

Ryan then quickly got toward the main door and exited the house.

Alex, who was in her room, saw Ryan exiting her house and opened her window to understand what was happening.

By the time Alex opened her window, Claire also came out of the house. Feeling the thrill of the encounter, Ryan paused in his steps, awaiting Claire outside.

Claire said, "There you are."

Alex, from her window, asked, "Ryan? What's going on?"

Ryan looked up seeing Alex in her window. Ryan sent her a flying kiss in front of Claire and continued to run.

Claire shouted behind, "RYAAAN."

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