Chapter 78: Spending Points

"Hmmm… Should I do it or not?" Ryan muttered in contemplation as he gazed at the discount advertisement.

Ryan thought for a bit longer since he didn't want to make a hasty decision after seeing a discount like last time.

He was contemplating when Ryan suddenly realized that with the system upgrade, he would now also get one new skill relating to the work he purchases.

"So does that mean I may even gain superpowers?"

Thinking about it, Ryan felt that even a new talent from one of the superheroes could benefit him greatly.

"Maybe after this, I can become Batman in Modern Family? Wait, no. I don't want to kill my parents." (E/N: Shot's fired)

Ryan asked the system, "Will I get superpowers if I buy a superhero comic book? Also, how does the whole issue work? 'Cause, there are 100s of issues. Does that mean I will get a skill per issue?"

The system consumed 100 points per question, as usual, before it replied.

[The host will be granted a skill for every 50 issues of a superhero he purchases. In terms of superpowers, the host can obtain them, but the odds are exceedingly low, and they may be nerfed.]

Reading this, Ryan realized it made sense that it wasn't per issue, but seeing the number fifty, He suspected the system was attempting to lure him into buying.

As 250 was divided by 50, meaning Ryan would get six different skills if he went forth and purchased five different heroes, one extra being the drawing skill given by the system.

Regarding why it would be five separate heroes, Ryan felt it was essential to acquire more than one hero with different characteristics would allow him to reach more diverse audiences.

After contemplating for a while, Ryan decided to roll the dice and see how his luck turned out, hoping that the skills alone would be worth it and the comics would be a bonus.

"Now come forth into this world." He said dramatically.

He bought Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash. Well, to be specific, he purchased the first fifty issues of each of these five superheroes.

The jingle of the skill reward was prompted 6 times as he bought the comic books.

[Skill acquired from Batman - Computing level 3]

[Skill acquired from Superman - IQ increase by 20]

[Skill acquired from WonderWoman - Leadership level 3]

[Skill acquired from Green Lantern - Driving level 4]

[Skill acquired from The Flash - Fast Reading level 2]

[Skill Sketching level 3 credited on the base of bulk purchase.]

"Where are my speed force and my laser eyes?" He muttered.

Seeing no superpowers, Ryan wasn't slightly disappointed. However, as the harvest was still pretty good, all skills were helpful to Ryan in one or another.

"The skills will help me in my daily life instead of my superhero life. That's great, as I don't want the burden of responsibility that came with power."

The image of a web-slinging hero came to mind as he felt the wave of nostalgia washes over him.

"But I am disappointed I didn't get Batman's flirting skill. I can do so much more with that."

All skills were logical. However, receiving an IQ bonus from Superman seemed strange because it felt more like a Batman thing, but the skills were random, so he didn't have a say in it.

"Getting an IQ from a man who wears spectacles to conceal his identity is hilarious," Ryan thought.

Then he mused, "I would like to get superman's body from him instead of the IQ, but I guess there is always a next time."

Ryan next investigated what the unique skill provided by The Flash truly does, as reading felt like a weird skill to get from a superhero.

He soon discovered that it allowed him to read 40% quicker than peak human speed and absorb all complicated topics as if he were reading with complete focus.

Making this skill and IQ increase the most significant gains from the draw as they improved his cognitive ability by a large margin.

"I am now the Man of Steel-slash-Fastest Man alive-slash-Greatest Detective in the world."

The line made people wonder if he received the IQ points from the system or if that was a lie, but jokes always come out when you're happy.

Considering IQ so much, Ryan decided to spend 100 points and find his new exact IQ from the system.

[The host's current IQ is 147 and falls under the Highly Gifted category.]

Ryan saw this and said, "Eh, not bad. I guess I can now officially wear the title of genius with pride and honor. Now, let's try to execute my original plan and hope I get lucky."

Ryan then typed in the mall search bar Memento and soon found the movie he was thinking about.

A Memento poster popped up on the screen, "Yes, this is it. Buy Memento for 40,000 points."

[Skill received from Memento - Total Recall (Nerfed)]

"Yes. My strategy is successful!" He said in excitement.

Now Ryan could abandon the system's constraints and be a free man, but before he could start dreaming, he saw the word 'Nerfed' in the brackets.

Ryan immediately stopped celebrating and asked, "System, what is this? You reduced total recall? What's the purpose of it if there are limitations? Is complete recall even possible if there are constraints?"

[It is still a total recall. You can still recall everything you've seen in this life, but the former life section is confined to music since otherwise, you'd be bypassing the entire system.]

[This kind of circumvention is not permitted since it jeopardizes the system's existence, and the system is programmed not to provide such abilities.]

Ryan sulked and said, "Fine."

After all, arguing with the system was pointless and total recall wasn't flawed. At least now Ryan had enough songs that he probably couldn't finish making them in his life.

Not to mention having total recall in this life meant that studying had become super easy, barely an inconvenience, as he could just recall all the answers he needed during the test.

Then suddenly, something dawned on Ryan. If he combined the reading skill and total recall, didn't that mean he could now grasp and recall everything he read?

Ryan then spoke aloud, "Is this what it's like to be one of those fictional protagonists? Wait, am I the main character of a novel? Nah, I guess I'm overthinking things."

Amanda, who had been in the washroom, returned to the room, saw Ryan saying something, and asked, "What did you say, Ryan?"

Ryan flinched and said, "Nothing. I am thinking about the next novel."

"Already? You should get some proper rest. Your dad tells me if you don't, then he will keep you in the ward for another day."

He jumped on the bed quickly and put the blanket over his body. He saw his mother holding a bag filled with snacks and other stuff he didn't recognize.

"Why are you staring at me?" Amanda asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering where you were."

Amanda walked toward Ryan, rubbed his head, and said, "Aww, my baby boy is missing me already?"

Ryan chuckled a bit and said sternly. "A man."

"So Dunphy's have left. When are you guys going back?" He asked.

Amanda sat beside Ryan on her chair and answered, "No, we will be here all night."

Ryan heard this and said, "There is no need for that."

Amanda said decisively, "No, it's fine. We will be here with you."

Ryan replied, "Mom, this is just dad being overprotective. There is no need for you guys to be here. Go home. It will be uncomfortable for you guys here."

However, no matter what Ryan said was not able to convince Nathan or Amanda, who ended up sleeping on their chairs that night.

While watching them, Ryan felt blessed to be reborn in this kind of loving family. Amanda held Ryan's hand as she slept. He held her hand and finally went to sleep after a hectic day.