A Viper Among The Wolves

LAVISH FOODS like Lokum, Sekir, Pestil, Shish Kebab, and Sucuk made Kosem realize that she was starving for two days now. The shameful growl made the Grand Vizier, who sat at the center of the dining table, smile at her. "Serve the poor child," the Grand Vizier commanded a kitchen attendant since Kosem did not move to eat.

"No, I can do it alone."

Grand Vizier Esad dismissed Kosem's futile protest with a nod to the attendant. Kosem could not do anything but let the kitchen attendant serve her which was totally new to her. "You may leave us now," said the Grand Vizier after the attendant performed her task to Kosem which the attendant politely heeded, leaving the master of the palace and the young Kosem alone.

He placed the ring on the marble table which caught Kosem's attention as she ate slowly. "The reason why your father told you to seek me is because of the promise I made to my friend, your grandfather. I promised him that I will take you as the wife of my grandson. Unfortunately, my son died at such a young age." The weight of his words darkened the mood of the dining room, but Kosem already knew that.

'In short, you don't have an heir to marry me. But will you let go of this opportunity? I can be your heir,' Kosem thought.

Like an innocent child, Kosem replied. "Then, is Grand Vizier a lonely man?"

'If you are, then make me your daughter. Give me the ticket to destroy you.'

Her twinkling childish eyes moved the powerful man before her – what he did not that before him was a serpent in a child's cloth.

A melancholic smile broke on his wrinkled face. "Yes child, this old man is very lonely."

Kosem matched his melancholic smile with tearful eyes. "I am lonely too, Grand Vizier."

A cruel glint in Kosem's peculiar eyes, which no one noticed, flashed as she thought. 'So take my hand and adopt me. That way, I will be able to meet Hazeyn in different circumstances.'

Just like what Kosem anticipated, her words stunned the old Grand Vizier. Kosem had a hard time chewing her food as she waited for the reply that would surely flip her situation. Seconds turned to minutes before he answered her. "What's your name, child?" His attention was now solely on Kosem's innocent face.

"Kosem, Grand Vizier."

The Grand Vizier nodded upon hearing her name. Kosem took his action in a positive light but she remained passive. "Why don't you call me, Grandpa? Just like you said, I am a lonely man. But if Kosem is here then I will not be lonely anymore and Kosem will not be lonely too, isn't it nice?" He stood up and crouched on the floor at her side to level his cobalt eyes to hers. His large hand patted her head. "I want to be with Grandpa, too. But can I, though?"

The Grand Vizier realized Kosem's question so he answered her with a reassuring smile. With this decision, he could solve two things. The first one would be his problem with an heir candidate since he had none and the second one would be the fulfillment of his longtime promise to his friend who helped him once. "This grandpa will handle that. All our little Kosem needs is to grow up diligently."

Kosem knew the weight of his words. He was saying in a subtle way to grow up immediately so that he could use her against the young sultan.

'Oh, if only you know, my beloved Grandpa.' Sarcasm dripped from Kosem's words at the back of her mind.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Kosem reached out to hug the old fool, her smiling face earned her a smile from the second most powerful man in the empire. But the moment she hugged his wrinkled neck, Kosem's once innocent eyes turned emotionless.

'I will grow up splendidly, Grandpa. That, I assure you,' Kosem vowed.

HAZEYN RETURNED from his escapade outside the main palace walls. His destination was the river located inside the Oak forest of the east. Though Muhemmet Bey wondered why the blatant display of obsession with that particular river, the old and loyal advisor did not dare to ask why his young master kept on going there as if he was waiting for someone.

A thought struck Muhemmet Bey like a lightning bolt, rendering him frozen for a minute. 'Wait. Did he meet a woman there by chance? That can't be! Sultan Hazeyn Suleiman is already engaged to Hurrem Hanim!'

"What's wrong with you, Muhemmet?" Hazeyn's silver eyebrows knotted together when he saw the stupefied expression of his advisor. He took the towel from the latter and proceeded to his chamber where Pashalu was waiting for the young sultan.

Furs like the color of the setting sun, teeth jagged like a saw with the color of the moon, and eyes that reminded him of the young girl that he could not forget – Pashalu, his adult pet tiger, welcomed Hazeyn like a tamed cat. In a way, he always acted like a cat to the young sultan, but the palace workers were afraid of the sultan's pet no matter how Pashalu acted like a tamed cat in front of Hazeyn.

Muhammet has grown accustomed to the giant cat so he continued the report that he was about to say earlier. He followed the young sultan inside his private bathing chamber. He stood at the edge of the enormous pool as Sultan Suleiman lay in a relaxed manner. "The Grand Vizier's palace is in a buzz."

"I know. I heard that the Grand Vizier adopted a child."

The advisor hated how relaxed the young sultan was with the news. "He is starting to move. His adoption is a threat to your seat."

"I look forward to meeting the young heir of Grand Vizier Esad Fahrettin." His darkened lilac eyes relaxed Muhammet. The latter knew how cruel the young sultan could be when cornered.