Chapter Fourteen: The News.

"You ruined our entire plan. Are you happy now?" said Anurag. He was very annoyed with her. "I said I am sorry. You weren't there with me. I was alone. But I don't understand how I got intoxicated. He was fine. How is that possible? Both of us were drinking equally. Then how?" She was confused. "Look Nivi, Vyom is one step ahead of us. Yesterday, he wasn't drinking champagne. He was drinking water. I have another idea. Now he must be thinking that you are hiding your memory gain deliberately. When he collects the situation and thinks, he will get the confirmation. But before that, we have to divert his mind. You have to tell him that you are picturing something." Suddenly, he sensed something. "I think someone is coming. I am sensing. I knew it. It's Vyom. Don't stop talking. Just say something. Talk to the flowers." She lost her control. "You... You are very beautiful... You are the blessing of the God...." "Nividita!" She heard her name. "Oh, Vyom, you are here! How sweet!" He neared her. "With whom were you talking to?" She couldn't find a lie. "Ah... Ah... I was talking to the flowers. I have read somewhere that plants would release more oxygen when they hear voices. That's why!" He laughed. "I know my wife is innocent. But Nivi, you are not this innocent. You were talking looking around at 6 fits height. And you were talking about planning something. So tell me the truth."

She saw Anurag. "Ah... Ah... Vyom... My head...Ah!" "What is it, my dear?" Anurag smiled. "These days, I am experiencing weird things. I sometimes picture some people and scary things. Kolkata music university. I am imagining myself kissing someone... Music... Yeah, I heard someone playing guitar...." in the process she felt ill in real. She felt dizzy, headache, she couldn't even control her balance. However, Anurag thought she was acting. "Vyom... My... My..." She conked out. Vyom carried her and went home.

When Nividita got consciousness again, everyone was smiling and some of them were crying. "My dear, I knew you are the perfect match for him." Said Mr. Pratap. She realized that everyone was happy except Anurag. He was so sad. Mrs. Parveen came. She hugged her so immensely. She had never shown her this like love and affection. "Thank you, my dear. Today, you completed us. You make my wish true. Thank you!" Everyone was confusing her. She felt asking. "What is happening? Can anyone tell me why you all are emotional? Vyom?" He hugged her. "Thank you, Nivi. It has a very nice feeling. This is the best gift you give me." "what? You guys are making me worried. What happened to me?" Vyom take her right hand made her touch her stomach. "Nivi, we are going to be parents." She was stupefied. "What? Am... Am I pregnant? How when? I mean... I am so grateful. I am pregnant with my love's child." It was really hard for her to hear this news. She was pregnant. She made the biggest mistake of her life by marrying and trusting him. And now, the result of her mistake, the result of trusting Vyom she bringing a new human being to this world. She saw Anurag with tearful eyes. Her eyes were blurred with her tears. Guilt, sorrow, grief were coming out with that hot tears."

"My love, why are you crying? It's such a joyous occasion." Vyom said. His smile wounds her heart so much. She remembered her turmeric ceremony. "My tears are out of happiness. I am the mother-to-be. That's why." Arti, "Don't crowd the room. Let's go. Let her rest." So all of them went from the room. Including Vyom. Only She and Anurag.

"I am sorry. I am sorry, Anurag. Whatever happened, it was all my fault. I... I conceive for Vyom. I can stop the guilt that runs into my veins when I see the pain in your eyes. I am not loyal to you. You came for me even after death. But I wasn't in my place. I... I don't deserve your love. I am sorry. I can't give you what I promised. I can't give you the perfect family you want to see. What kind of fate is it?" She cried a lot. She sobbed a lot. But she couldn't change the truth.

Anurag sat down on the bed beside her. "Nivi, don't blame yourself for this. This is not your choice or will. This is the Almighty's want. Nivi, trusting Vyom might be a mistake. What you committed with him might be a mistake. But this child is not a mistake. Children are blessings, Nivi. They are not mistakes. When they are born, they don't even know who is their parents are. How do we accuse them of the sin they don't commit?

"Please, don't repeat my mother's mistakes. She abandoned me in the kapali hills. Don't punish the son for the misdeeds of his father. Please, I am beginning you. Accept the child. If you call this child illegitimate, you are also calling me illegitimate. This is our mistake, our fight, our war. This child is innocent. It doesn't know anything. Please, don't hurt this child."

She cried a lot. She couldn't control her tears. "What kind of fate is it? I think I had done a terrible thing in my life, that's why the almighty cursed me. The murderer of my father, the murderer of my friend, he... He is the father of my child. Anurag, I am also the murderer. I am also the killer of my dad. I am a sinner, Anurag. His... His blood is running into my veins. I... I am carrying his child in my womb... "She panicked. She was shaking and sobbing. She lost her mind. Her condition was like a crazy person. Anurag just saw her. There was nothing he could do. "That... That day, I am the one who decorated the room. There... There, I... I put the roses on the bed. Anurag, I am the one who asked...." She couldn't finish it. She couldn't stop crying. "Even river Ganga can't wash my sin." She sobbed bitterly.

"Nivi, please, don't cry. Because now I can't even wipe your tears. I can't hug you and pacify you. Please." He cried. Bloody tears. The news was joyful for the whole family. But for Nividita and Anurag, it was devastating. Nivi wiped her tears. "Don't worry, Anurag. I won't punish this child. You know me, don't you? I will never blame my child for the misdeeds of his father. But I will get him punished for the sins he committed. This is my promise."

Kritika and Aditya were wandering in the jungle to find some sort of evidence against Vyom. "Kritika, look this. This was... He wore this on his wedding day. I saw it." Kritika was motivated. "Let's go. We might find other things." They continued their search. But there was someone behind them. They didn't notice it.

Nividita was distressed about Kritika and her brother. She couldn't reach them because of the network problem in the forest. She was passing by the master bedroom. She heard an argument and she went. She overheard the argument. Mrs. Parveen and Vyom we're in a hot argument. "You... You don't deserve her. She is more than your personality. She trusts you blindly. Poor girl! I haven't treated her in a good manner until date. She respects you. No! Every wife respects her husband. But hers isn't just respect. She worships you like her God. And now, she is delivering your child." said Parveen. Vyom neared her and said, "I know that mom. I also love her. I did many sacrifices for her..." she interrupted him. "Sacrifice?" She laughed. "Is killing her dad a sacrifice? Is lying her a sacrifice?" Vyom slapped his mother. Nividita got shocked. She wanted to interfere but Anurag stopped. "If you repeat this even for yourself, I will end your life. Got it?" -Vyom

During their search, Krirtika and Aditya got started to see someone. "Who are you? Tell us. Who send you?" Kritika followed the person. She reached him and caught him. The person uncovers his face. They got startled. "How is that possible?" Aditya said.