A Thin Line Between Love And Hate!

Only a thin line separated love and hate, and hatred was something Alpha Simon was familiar with. Love was never his thing; he stopped believing in it after the death of his parents, which he had watched as they were brutally killed by the hunters two years ago. He desired vengeance. At any cost, he is going to exact the vengeance he so desperately desires.

Like his wolf, Devil, Simon developed his ruthlessness when he became an alpha two years later, after putting in a lot of training and closing himself off with hatred. He was shielded and comforted by his wolf, but just as his wolf doesn't have a heart, so does Simon. He was a leader, and a leader must set an example by showing no mercy to humans or his own kind when they do something wrong.

Humans have wronged him, so he won't forgive all of them. He'll keep killing them until he can round up the last few hunters and exact his retribution. He was 6'2" tall, had dark hair and brown eyes, a mixed skin tone, broad shoulders, and a jawline that would make women swoon.

In front of the statues of the former Bright Moon Wolf Pack, Luna and Alpha, Alpha Simon took a position wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of worn-out jeans. Every time he passed by the statue, which was placed in front of the mansion, he was reminded of how much he hated humans.

As he continued to stare at the statue with his hand in his pocket, his thoughts had already drifted away when suddenly a voice brought him back to the present. "Alpha, I knew I would find you here." It was the voice of his best friend, Mace. After his younger brother Flint, Mace was the second person Simon could sacrifice his life for.

When Simon turned around, he could see Mace coming toward him. He sighed. "I am always here." He smirked.

Mace came in front of him with a frown on his face. "Alpha, you should have brought me along with you." He said in a whisper. "You are aware that Flint will be upset with you if he learns what you did and you detest it when your brother is upset with you."

Simon nodded. "Mace, I had to do it. I had been looking for him for a long time and finally found him."

"It's been two years, Simon. Isn't it time to let it all go?"

Simon drew in a long breath. "No. It isn't. Before my heart can rest, I must kill every last one of them."

"You don't even have a heart." Simon started to laugh as Mace made fun of him.

"Mace, why are you here? I know it isn't because you heard about what I did. I…"

Mace interrupted. "It is because of what you did. I recently found the police in the woods when I went into the human settlement and it didn't look so good, Simon." Mace paused and glanced around to make sure nobody was listening in on them. He turned his attention back to Simon. "They discovered the hunter's body—without a heart. Since when did you start eating the hearts of humans?"

Simon didn't seem alarmed or worried. He only had one goal: to continue killing. "I gave it to the birds to eat."

With a frown, Mace uttered. "Lies."

"Mace." Simon licked his bottom lips. "Please keep in mind that I am the dominant person in this situation and can do whatever I want."

"Alpha, I'm sorry, but sometimes you need a friend like your best friend to help you think things through clearly. You won't be able to move past this, Alpha, if you keep looking for retribution. You will become lost."

"Please halt your lecture. I didn't eat the hunter's heart. I fed it to the birds. I wouldn't even dare eat a wicked man's heart."

Mace smirked. "You have no right to judge whether someone is wicked or not. You are not different from them."

Simon jerked his eyes away from Mace in annoyance. The last argument he had with his best friend was when they were young, over a soldier toy they had discovered in the woods. Despite the fact that Mace discovered it first, Simon wanted it from him. However, just because he was the apha's son, didn't mean he could have anything he desired.

Flinch, the former Alpha, learned about it and instructed them to engage in combat on it. Of course, Simon prevailed, just as he would this time if he and Mace engaged in combat once more.

"Alpha, I'm so sorry. This time, I crossed the line." Mace said.

Simon returned his gaze to Mace. "I am not mad. You are the only one who can communicate with me in this manner without fear of punishment—trust me, I won't punish you. Mace, you are my lone confidant." He put a hand on Mace's shoulder and slowly nodded with assurance. "We are brothers."

Yes, they are, and if he chooses to go in the wrong direction, he really needs Mace to put him back on track. That kind of friend has always been Mace. Loyal and calm. Simon has always been happy to have a friend who has the exact opposite personality to him.

"I should leave before Flinch gets here, unless I hear the last of his complaining that you don't give him enough training or have enough time for him." Simon raised his brows. "Is that true?"

Mace groaned. "No, not in the way he put it. Recently, rogues have been spotted prowling around. I predict that a war will break out soon. The soldiers need to be trained and equipped for combat. Flint shouldn't be concerned. I have left him in capable hands."

Simon's eyes narrowed and he began to wonder. "Mace? Who did you put in charge of Flint?"

"Anton." When Mace met Simon's eyes as he said Anton's name, he saw that Devil was furious as Simon's eyes had changed from their normal brown colour to red. "Simon, calm down. Although I am aware that you dislike Anton, he will do a fantastic job and will eventually be able to connect with Flint."

Simon shook his head and tried to hold back his anger and his wolf's anger. "Anton is the absolute last person I want around Flint. Anton is like a poison that spreads once he touches something. I don't want Flint to behave the way that Anton does."

"He is, however, your brother. Since Flint and Anton are brothers, what harm could he possibly cause Flint?"

"Turn him against me? In the same way that he turned our sister Adolpha against me?"

Slowly, Mace nodded. "True. I merely assumed that since he is a beta, he would perform more effectively."

"Moreover, you are a Gamma; therefore, look after and educate my brother. Give Gamma Cypher the soldier's training if it becomes too much for you to manage on your own."

Mace sneered. "My brother?"

Simon nodded as he began to walk away.

"And where exactly are you going?!" Mace shouted.

Simon whirled around and cast a cunning, sly gaze in Mace's direction. "To hunt humans."