A Quick Saving!

Scarlett made it through the entire lecture, and when the bell rang, it felt as though it was close to her ears. It was extremely loud. She made her way outside the school and toward her car. She exhaled, flung open her car door, and sat down in the seat. Scarlett put her headphones on to block out any noise coming from the school and closed her eyes. "Finally, some peace and quiet." Inhaling deeply, she uttered.

"Babe, you don't look good." Avery's hand tapped on Scarlett, waking her up from her sleep. Avery caught Scarlett's attention as she briefly opened her eyes. Avery continued, "We need to treat you."

Scarlett looked at her friend with confusion in her eyes as she sat up straight. She wasn't sick. Okay, so perhaps she was, but this disease didn't seem to be the same as the ones she had known growing up. This time, everything felt real even though it wasn't; it was like she had eaten a frog and the frog was trying to get out of her stomach but was unable to do so.