An Alpha Needs A Luna To Grow Stronger!

"Is this the first time you are asking a guy to dance with you?" Simon questioned her.

"Is it obvious?" Scarlett grinned.

Simon stepped away from her waist gently and nodded. If he wants this to work out, he will need to increase her desire for him. He will need to entice her into mating with him and also accept her as his Luna in order to maintain his rank and live.

Although it wasn't his idea, it was Devil's. Simon values his wolf more than Scarlett, so he has to do what he said.

Concerning Scarlett O'Hara, Simon could care less. She was just a girl that the moon goddess used to bond him with. She was just a little girl who was fortunate to have survived his bite.

That luck doesn't come to many humans. Except for her, not every human he has bitten has experienced that luck.

When Simon realized he was staring at her too long, he finally started speaking again. It was getting uncomfortable. "Would you like him to buy you a drink?" He immediately asked her a question.