Found Out The Purpose Of The Red Water!

Simon parked his car a few miles away from O'Hara's mansion. He shifted his gaze to Scarlett. "You should rest and forget about what happened tonight. Scarlett, we had a beautiful ceremony. That is what you should be thinking about."

"Simon. This is your uncle I am talking about. You're not upset."

"I can't be upset. Uncle Viggo is a selfish man, which is why Raven would want him dead. He murdered Luna Agatha, and she spent years looking for him. All I can say is that he got exactly what he deserved. I'll make certain that no one blames you."

"What do you intend to do? What about the bad luck that is going to befall us and the pack?"

"Scarlett. There is no such thing as bad luck, and I refuse to believe anything the council has said about tonight. He declared tonight a holy night and warned us that getting blood on us would bring us bad luck. Do you also believe that?"

Scarlett took a breather. "I... I'm not sure. It's your ritual."