Goodbye, Mace!

"There are far too many of them, Simon." As he struck down one of the rogues, Mace said. They'd been fighting for over seven hours, and it seemed like the rogues were never going to stop. The more they kill, the more rogues there are.

"We have to keep fighting, Mace. We can't give up now." Simon said as the two of them backed up against each other, striking down the oncoming werewolf. The wolves surrounded Mace and Simon, staring into each other's eyes and growling angrily. "If you get tired, tell your wolf to switch places with you." Simon added.

Simon's attention was drawn to the sound of rattled bones coming from outside the surrounding werewolves. Simon then heard howling and pawed the ground nervously. The scent of this particular wolf made Devil shiver. "What is the problem?" Simon asked Devil.

"The odour from Scarlett's school. Looks like he is here."