
{ This chapter is about UTOPIA'S examination information.}

"First let me tell you about how exams are done in utopia,

Well, well revere me this benevolent Grey for enlightening you peasants,

Clear your deaf ears and hear carefully peasants,

[If you continue like this, I will lower your stats]

"And who the fuck you might be peasant?"

[I am your creator]

"Yeah, yeah creator peasant"






"Forgive this peasant my lord!!!!!!"

[thpu.. ](spitting sound)





"Hello everyone sorry for what I've done,

Cough, cough. (He is letting out dry cough)

First utopia has three kinds of examination

1. Written examination

2. Basic Combat and physical fitness Examination

3. Status inspection

written exam is all about theories regarding Mana, Rift Phenomenon,

Ecosystem of monsters, Magic Engineering, etc.,

Man sigh.

Thinking about these make my head rolling but I'm confident in my brain,

next is combat and physical fitness,

physical fitness is all about healthy body nothing more

but combat is I have fight with some basic low-level monsters and a random Instructure.

Last one is Status inspection it is about to check about examinee's Attributes,

Affinity and Gift.

This status inspection is biggest factor deciding your potential and help you get you better class in academy.

Speaking about class It is divided as S, A, B, C, D, E, F, X.

well, 'S' is top rank class instructed by top tier instructors,

likewise, this will decrease to 'F' class

but this class 'X' is an anomaly class, because all students in this class has a Gift

that can't be comprehend by themselves and others, so this academy created anomaly

class for mainly research purpose and monitor their Gifts.

Literally anomaly class is not weak and not strong, but F class sure is weak,

but only inside utopia outside 'F' class considered powerful that is how utopia is.



Name: Grey Age :16

Title: , etc., (all of the titles are currently locked)

Class: None

Affinity: ???? (Yet to reveal)

: 7

: 5

: 6

: 5

: 6

: 3

Gift: [Inheritance of ?????????]

Skills:, etc., (all skills are currently locked)

Possession: , etc., (Inheritance is yet to claim)