


Uncle Byungchan seemed relaxed but curious as he shoved his hands into his pocket and walked towards the men.

" What do you guys want? We still haven't gotten them...yet "

" The boss wants to speak to you. You made quite a mess today"

" What the fuck do you mean? I had to do something because your dumb men couldn't bring them in "

" You were supposed to be there. Apparently, you got knocked out and being the weak, crazy fuck you are, you decided to cause a scene. You've been feeling a little too confident and powerful don't you think so?"

" Watch the way you talk to me you crazy dog. I wouldn't have done it if your men were competent "

" You seem to be forgetting your place. You may be a hot shot detective to the rest of the world, but the reality of your life is that you're just an ordinary guy with a few nuts lose in your head, a traitor and a hungry dog willing to sacrifice whatever and whoever, to get what you want. Now get into the fucking car and don't forget that you are expendable"

Uncle Byungchan just balled his hands into fists and walked into the car. I got out of my hiding place and stared at the car in the distance. What mess did he make today? What do they mean by him being expendable? What...who did he sacrifice? Millions of thoughts ran through my head as I stood there.

" Taemin.....the.....the fire...it's out but... "

I ran towards Eunsoo and pulled him into a hug. He must be going through so much right now. He collapsed to the floor weeping, as I buried his head into my chest. I couldn't bear to look at what was left of the restaurant. I couldn't imagine the pain that Minah and Eunsoo's mum must have gone through. I looked up at the boy who came with Eunsoo. He had a solemn look on his face and also looked angry. I pulled out from the hug and stared at Eunsoo. He must be hurting a lot. I know what it feels like to lose a loved one. The boy moved closer and tapped Eunsoo repeatedly on the back.

" We can't stay here. We need to move "

" Uhmmm.....what's going on? "

" I'll explain later. Let's go meet your mum "

My mum had moved to my dad's getaway house. He used to go there whenever he was having a hard time, which happened often. It was a really hidden spot, deep in the woods.

We waited till dark, before moving. We moved quietly in the shadows, with weapons at easy reach. We got to the woods and headed deep inside.


I quivered as I sat alone in the dark room, waiting for the boss to show up. I knew he was going to be furious but I just couldn't let those brats have their way. I heard the heavy footsteps approaching and immediately stood up. I clasped my hands together, to stop the fidgeting. The footsteps were getting closer and then, I heard a loud bang as they locked the gate.

" Sir "

" Shut your fucking mouth "

He said as he took powerful strides into the room. He sat opposite me and pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He handed me the lighter which I took with shaky hands. I didn't know if they were shaky because I was scared or hella angry.

" Light it up "

I crawled towards him and lit the cigarette in his mouth. He took a long puff and released the smoke on my face. He pulled me towards him and took the cigarette out of his mouth.

" I told you to erase a couple of kids and to not make a scene right? I told you to do it quietly didn't I? "

" Ye....yes sir. But ....

He grabbed me by the neck and moved the lit cigarette butt towards my left eye. I was starting to panic and I dared not move.

" Please.....please I was just...aaarggghhhh "

I screamed loudly as he drove the lit cigarette into my eye. I screamed and pulled at his hand as the pain drove me insane. He held my head down as he kept pushing it into my eye. He suddenly pulled it out and pushed me to the ground. A kick to the middle of my chest sent me rolling as I coughed out blood. I tried to pull myself together but he grabbed me by my hair and threw repeated punches across my face. The metallic taste of blood in my mouth, the blood that oozed out of my nose and the hand that pulled at my hair reminded me of back then. All the memories I thought I had buried suddenly came rushing in as more punches rained on me.

" Ya.....I can't believe I'm tired already. I must be getting old right?"

He asked as he let go of my hair and started laughing. He walked over to chair and sat. I watched him pull a gun and stare right at me. I pulled myself up and crawled towards him.

" You're now useless to me since you seem to keep on forgetting that I own you. You offered me your brother and those other fools in exchange of your life, which I granted. That still doesn't mean I won't kill you if you irritate me because you're still a traitor.I might as well just finish you off and take care of those brats myself "

" Sir... please. I told you their plan, tracked them and killed them for the good of the company. I'm not a traitor. I killed my brother and I'll do it a million times over. I will do whatever you want me to. One more chance is all I ask....please. He doesn't know about me yet. I can still get the journal and finish them off. I'll serve their heads on a golden platter for you. All I need is one more chance....please "

" You are one selfish prick.....I like it. If you get on my nerves again, you are over "

I watched him shove the gun back into it's holster and walk out. My left eye was stinging and my body felt like shit. It was a little hard to see,with all the blood on my numb face. I balled my hands into fists and got off the floor. I was starting to hear the voices taunting me again and I felt even more angry.

" I'll take you all down to hell with me "