


There was some tension on set today. The shoot ended quickly and soon, everyone was heading back to the hotel. I stopped in my tracks as a hand pulled my hand gently.

" Can I have a word with you? ". Bada asked.

" Is there something I can help you with? ". I asked, after we walked away from the crowd.

" It's probably not in my place to say this, but can you not take Eunsoo back? ". He said.

" What are you talking about? "

" It took a lot for Eunsoo to put everything behind him and reach this point in his life. He's not completely fine now, but he's a lot better. If you two start dating again, and a scandal gets out can you imagine how messy it would get? "

" Go straight to the point ". I said impatiently.

" People will start digging into your past and then you and Eunsoo's history over the past years and Eunsoo's arrest will come into light. It's going to shatter him. I can't let him go back down there "

" It's understandable that you're worried about him. You should keep him in check too ". I said and walked away.


Taemin walked into the room with his head lowered and went straight to his bed.

" Where were you? Are you hungry? ". I asked as I walked over to him.

I heard him sniffling, so I pulled the blanket away from him and pulled him up. His teary eyes stared back at me blankly.

" What happened? Did someone do something to you? ". I said as I wiped his face.

" Why won't anyone in that those years weren't easy for me either? I lost people too but I'm not even allowed to be hurt. I can't cry over my dad because mum has it harder. I can't cry over aunt Jisoo because Taeri is suffering more. I can't cry over the fact that my life got turned upside down in the blink of an eye, because Eunsoo lost his entire family and even went to jail. I can't complain because everyone else is suffering but what about me? It was hard for me too. And now, if I choose Eunsoo, I'll ruin his life again". He said and buried his head in my chest.

" I don't know your story but if you want to cry, go ahead. If you want to complain, do it. You don't have to bother about other people's feelings all the time. If you want to talk about it, you can talk to me "

I held him closely and patted his back gently as he cried his heart out.


" Wow. You guys have been through a lot "

I said after Taemin opened up to me about everything that happened in his life.

" I haven't even told anyone about this....not even Suah ". He said while wiping his face ". He said.

" You can tell her whenever or I can help you, if you don't mind"

" It's alright. You can tell her "

" Okay "

After chatting for a while, we both went to bed. I lay in bed with eyes wide open. The vibrating of my phone jerked me up and I quickly grabbed it. I looked at the caller I.D and immediately looked over at Taemin. I stepped out into the balcony and took the call.

" I feel guilty doing this ". I said

" It's nothing for you to feel guilty about. It doesn't even concern you okay? ". My mum said from the other end

" Still.....

" Trust me. I just want to make sure they're okay. How's Eunsoo? "

" Exactly how you described him. Cold, quiet, smart and handsome "

" I owe him.....so don't treat him badly. If you notice anything strange happening around him or Taemin, let me know immediately"


The weather was warm, the wind was cool and the sea waves were gentle as we wrapped up the shoot. Taemin was still avoiding me, but not as much as before. I felt half watching him.....maybe because I finally let everything out.

" Eunsoo let's talk ". Manager Park said.

I hauled my bag over my shoulder and followed closely behind him. We walked a few metres away from everyone and came into an enclosed area. I already knew what he wanted to talk about, so I braced myself.

" You do realise that you're making a mistake right? ". He said.

" What do you mean? "

" A word of advise, even if you don't care about what happens to you, don't do something that'll harm the people around you. You and Bada have worked so hard to reach this point in your life, so don't let your fickle emotions ruin all that effort. If people find out about your past, it's game over ". He said and walked away.

I was left standing there as thoughts filled my head. I just realised that I have always only had about myself and now, my thoughts were centred on everyone around me. How many of my choices have caused other people harm?

I walked out, after sorting my thoughts and clearing my head.There was no way I would abandon my family again. I went out hurriedly, to find Taemin and settle all of our differences.

I halted as my eyes greeted the scene before me. My legs trembled as I watched Taemin and Hongjoong share a kiss. Taemin had his back to me and his arms were wrapped around Hongjoong.