


Tade gave the girls a puzzled look as the knock

continues; she told Nora to call them back and

hangs up the call. She looks at the time and

wonders "who on earth knocks on people's doors in the middle of the night?" Susan heaved a sigh of relief as the knock interrupted their talk time at the right time and chipped in quickly "It must be your neighbor or anyone from the compound or who else has the key to the main gate?" Tade raised and dropped her shoulders indicating that she has no idea why her neighbor would be knocking on her door since she wasn't even friendly to any one of them right from inception to avoid any interference in her private life. One thing Tade has learned in time was to make friends everywhere except her house or street, she gained enough bad publicity on her street after her wedding which ended up in shams. For months, she walked in shame, and most times she wishes the ground could open and swallow her every time she hears people talking or using her failed marriage as an example. "Or did your stalker rapist know you are here?" the thought all of a sudden struck Tade and she said it to Chichi insensitively which made Chichi scared all over again. They urged Tade to go and check who is at the door but Tade insists Chichi goes with her for easy identification in case the person out her door turns out to be her stalker. After several back and forth, they all decided to go together, each of them holding a weapon to use as a safety measure while they hide behind each other's while walking to the living room. After switching the light off, Tade opens the door slowly while her friends stand behind the door with their weapons aimed ready for release at the sight of anything odd. Tade stares in disbelief and absolute shock at sight of the person at her door, her friends exchange looks while Chichi peeps from behind to see who it is, she shakes her head to inform Susan that it wasn't Richard her stalker. They both exchanged looks wondering what is going on, as it was obvious that Tade knows the person.

Tade who is already breathing heavily slams the door shut and locks it twice, bolts it, then rushes to drag her three-sitter chair while her friends rush to stop her "Tade! What's going on? Who is that? And why are you acting weird?" Susan asks her worriedly. One look at Tade who was already sweating profusely, they knew it was really bad but she wasn't talking. The person at the door

knocks again reminding them that he was kept

standing in the cold, Chichi in fear asks "Tade did

you scam someone? Or do you owe the man at the door? If it is money, we can sort it out, don't keep us wondering, Tade please say something" Susan agrees with Chichi, she whispers "We are here for you, or is the man one of your sugar daddies? It's not that bad, I know you keep a lot of married men and I am not judgemental" Tade looks at Susan in disgust and sneers "Sugar daddy? Judgemental?" she spurted out angrily "You think I give a shit if you judge me? At least I can wrap so many men around my finger, married ones inclusive, can you even get one for yourself Susan?" Chichi immediately stops her "Oh No! Don't go that lane Tade, it's not fair"

Tade continues "You watched her judging me

about my life and you are here telling me it's not

fair? So you think I will be this troubled and keep

my man standing if he was my sugar daddy?" she storms to the door angrily and opens it "This man standing here is my HUSBAND!! My Estranged husband! Who ran off a month after our wedding! The man I just told you girls about? That's him!" Tade tears up and her voice becomes soft "that's the beast that shattered my world!" her two friends became apologetic instantly and rushed to hug her. They stood by her as she faced him "Hello Jide, what are you doing in my house?"