Tade is all dressed up that morning, she knocks on Chichi's door and threw the door open "Hey babes, I'm heading to my parent's house. You will still be around when I'm back right?" Chichi who is wide awake already, greeted her good morning and Tade apologizes for not saying it first. Chichi tells her that she will be here at her place for a while "Though I will go to my place briefly to pick up some items for work but that will be in the evening" Tade catches her reflection in the mirror, and she enters the room to get more details of her outfit as she turns and peeps to see it on the mirror "Okay! Take care" she shuts the door.
Hours later, Tade arrives at her family's house, she drives into the driveway and parks at her favorite spot which is behind her father's car. She loves to see him checking out and looking out for her car whenever he wants to drive out. When she was very young, she had a toy car that she could drive herself, she would park it behind her dad's car so he would call out her name every morning when he is going to work and beg her to come and re-park which comes with a chewing gum tip or chocolate bribe. She alights from her car and walks in. The aroma in the air is mouth-watering, her mother knows she is a foodie and a lazy cook, so she begs to be informed ahead of her visitation so she can be well prepared for her whenever she comes visiting. She makes sure she cooks enough for her to eat and take home which will also last her two to three days if she was to eat alone. "Momma! I'm home!!" Tade calls as she steps into the living room which is not extremely gorgeous nor expensively furnished but it is modern, classy, and beautiful. Tade's mom peeks from the kitchen and she steps out with a napkin in her hands. A very beautiful woman that could be passed for thirty years old because of her petite stature. There is a striking resemblance between these two, her petite stature and her melanin skin are from her. They both hugged each other as they exchange pleasantries, her mom holds her daughter's face to hers "How are you holding up? And why didn't you call your father and me immediately that scumbag came to your house?"
Tade shrugs "I handled him boldly by myself, You've always taught me to be strong, I was strong that night" her mom holds her close "I am proud of you, come and sit. I made assorted meat pepper soup for you, you can have that now or decide to go for moimoi and pap which is also
ready but your efo riro (vegetables) is ready for you to take home" Tade's stomach excitedly churns
"Ahn! You got this entire meal ready in two hours
that I informed you that I am coming? You are the best mom" she grins from ear to ear at her mom as her she sets the table "I miss you!!! I could smell the heavens even from the driveway" she started with the pepper soup then pauses "Where is dad and Tinu?" her mother whines "After seeing your first love, then you remember your second love. Well, your dad is in his room" Tade laughs, drops her spoon, and goes into the room to greet her father. Her mom calls after her "It's aunty Tinu! I won't interfere if she beats you up oo"
Tade ignores her mother's warning and screams out her sister's name as she strolls down the lobby "Tinu!!!" Her mom rolls her eyes and shakes her head at her obstinate daughter who doesn't hesitate to remind them of how handful her presence is.