The secretary to the company knocked on Chichi's office and enters with a file, she drops the file on Chichi's table and informs her about the new update of the proposal defense which was formerly scheduled for Twelve noon but has now been moved by two hours. Chichi finds it very uncomfortable because she will be delayed by extra hours that she might not be getting paid for, she asked the secretary what might have caused the change in time and plan because it just affected hers, the secretary informs her that the boss of the said company is meant to be present at the defense but had some delay so he called few minutes ago for a reschedule. Chichi had no choice but to wait, this is a huge deal and she plans to seal it because it paves way for her promotion which attracts higher pay, bonus and she could even be retained at the new branch. She thanks the secretary and excused her, Chichi picks up her research work and goes through it again, this time carefully to distract her from the time frame she had to wait and to also prepare her for what is to come. The thought of the CEO of Louisana being present at the proposal defense gives her anxiety, Louisana is a big and popular brand name in the big five countries in the world, and getting a major deal from them could skyrocket their own brand which is also a great win for her. Just a week before that day, she had been told to work on a new marketing strategy for the company's new product sample and she had worked alongside her colleagues but they never inform or gave her a hint that the founder of the company that they are looking to sign a deal with would be present at the proposal defense. The founder was said to be a very low-key person, no one knows who the founder is rather the company has a bearer who does every delegation and attends every function. For the founder to be attending this defense, means the new product means a great deal to them and the success might lie on her tiny shoulders, Chichi shivers at the thought of this. This might be her only chance, she knows she has to give it her best shot. She did a dry run, again and again, presenting to her imaginary audience and answering possible questions that could be thrown unexpectedly at her. After a while of pacing and soliloquizing, she concludes that she was ready to face the big boss and bring the deal home. One quick look at her wrist, an hour has gone by, and just one more hour is left. She goes out to the cafeteria to get something to eat so her empty stomach wouldn't ruin her legs during the defense.
After her meal, she decided to pass some time
there watching people come in and go out as soon as they were done eating. She looks around in admiration, she imagines establishing and owning a huge business like this in Spain, it is an African restaurant that would generate huge income, all she needed to do is to ship all the spices to be used in the kitchen, get enough hands for the job (the cooking, the serving, and the cleaning) she would just handle the marketing aspect to give good publicity to her brand name. She opens her notepad app with a smile on her face and pens it down as her bucket list before the year runs out "Startup an African kitchen" Her phone rings, the secretary calls to inform her that the boss is around and everyone was in their seats except her. Chichi is stunned "It's not 2 p.m yet, when did he arrive and why is he complain…shit" she cussed as she checks her wrist to realize it was fifteen minutes past 14:00 the scheduled time "Oh Jesus! I will be right there" she hangs up and rushes out of the cafeteria. She just messed up an opportunity of a lifetime on a mere daydream! She can't believe she spent over an hour there, it felt like a couple of minutes. "Time flies when you try to waste it, but when you try to be productive, it's as slow as a snail" she cussed.
Chichi enters the board room catching her breath and looking rough, just one run-through of her fingers down her hair, she announces that she is ready. She drops her research works on the table and apologizes to everyone at the table, running her eyes through each seat but didn't seem to find a face that matches what a CEO should look like, she is puzzled, everyone on the table are familiar except one person, a young man who couldn't be anywhere above thirty-five. Chichi skips him, perhaps he is one of the company's employees that she hasn't met, "maybe the CEO eventually couldn't make it" she thought to herself. She introduces herself to everyone at the table and apologizes once again for keeping them waiting, the already set up projector pops up and Chichi presented her marketing strategy. Making vivid illustrations and carrying everyone along, she attempted questions thrown at her confidently that her managing director who was at first pissed at her appearance became impressed. The thirty-five years old looking young man clears his throat and everywhere goes silent, he asked Chichi a question that threw her off guard, Chichi paused to control her heartbeat, she wonders who the hell this person is and why does she feel he is intentionally against her? Everyone seem impressed except him, everyone asked questions she had thought of and rehearsed befitting answers except him! With her nerves calm, and her pulse steady, she narrows down to the previous pages she had explained and calls his attention coldly which stunned everyone "If you were attentive, you wouldn't ask this question because I already mentioned earlier that the probability of people aged sixty-five and above putting their full attention on their smartphone technology is slim which is why our main focus is the youth, teenagers and middle-aged because they spend approximately eighty-five percent of their day on their smart device and this gives us higher chance at reaching the peak. They are our target audience, we will use what interest them the most to get their attention". Everywhere is dead silent, no one dared to remove their gaze from Chichi until the young man spoke again "What did you say your name is again?" Chichi replies sassily "Chioma Okaeze"
"Okay!" he stood up immediately and everyone stood up in unison like it was rehearsed. He buttons his suit and walks out of the board
room with the managing director of Chichi's office tagging by his side.
Chichi who was expecting an appraisal from the
rest of the board members got a ridiculous stare
instead, lost and confused she wondered what
must have gone wrong, they seem to like the
presentation, or didn't she answer their questions
well as expected? She arranges her file, carries
them and walks out of the boardroom, away from their stinging gaze. She stops at the secretary's office to submit the paperwork of the proposal and inquire why the CEO didn't show up as expected, the secretary meets her question with a surprised gaze "He did! And I heard you were rude to him" Chichi is lost at that instant "Rude??? I wasn't rude to any boss, in fact, I didn't see anyone aside from our top staff and the employees of Louisana who I am all familiar with except..." at this point, she remembers the young guy she thought was also a staff and how she snapped at him because she thought he asked her the unexpected question to find fault in her presentation, she knew she was a goner. Her legs grew weak immediately, she settles for the closest chair in the secretary's office before she faints "I didn't know.. God! I didn't know he was
the one, I'm done for" the secretary notices her
remorseful state and advises her "He didn't look
pleased when he walked past me, even the M.D. is with him right now trying to apologize for any insult you must have given him" she peeps through the slightly opened door "with what I am seeing, he is not having it. You better go there and explain yourself" she arranges the file on her desk in preparation for her close hour, Chichi had to ask her if she was leaving already, The secretary answers her sarcastically "No, I am arranging the file so I can go in there with you to beg". Chichi almost stumbled on one of the chairs as she turned and head towards her office. Her mood turned grey all of a sudden, she had prepared for this presentation with so much enthusiasm, but little did she know it would be the nail to her career. "I better leave since there is nothing left for me here" She opens her drawer and empties them, arranges everyone of her belongings into a box and heads out.