Due to lack of sleep, Adrianna was facing headaches and exhaustion. It made her pop pills to ease the pain, however, a brewed coffee prepared by her friend had made her headache disappear in no time. Her stomach was rumbling as she looked at the pasta served on the table.

"Thank you, Cathy…" Adrianna was being polite.

"Shut up and eat!!!" Cathy was mad at her.

"Are you going to stay mad at me for the whole day?" Adrianna was displeased by her actions.

"Yes, I will and might be more angry because I don't like you to roam streets alone when this danger is lurking out. Have you ever imagined what would happen to these kids if you went missing or were hunted by them? Neither they are animals nor humans, they have been classified as other creatures whose lives depend on the blood of humans. Or it could be possible if they were killing animals for the same." Her concern was genuine and the entire city was terrorized by the recent murders.