The chains clustered together when a slave was brought into the hall from the dungeons. That slave, no ordinary woman but a necromancer who was kept alive for this sole purpose, to revive the dead and create an army of nightcrawlers.

The Queen had a wicked smile on her face as she descended the staircase from the throne and approached the woman in the black veil.

"My dear, Elisabeth. You know what I want from you. Then why ask such ridiculous doubts and waste my time." Said the queen.

The woman rolled her eyes and glared back at her, "you are still on it? I can't believe that… you won't give up, right? You are nothing but a delusional bitch who needs to be asleep forever with the rest of your victims who got killed in the holocaust. You disgrace me… I feel alienated being your daughter." Elisabeth yelled at the queen.