The Meeting

Back at Jeffery's Corp Austin came out of the building at about 10pm and drove to an isolated place he stepped out immediately and walked down some stairs in a dark corridor

   "Knock knock"

Someone looked through the peep hole

What's the password ? he said

Can I come in ?

Correct you may come in ( and Austin stepped in )

What brings you here today Mr Austin ?

Austin began to speak,Darius said he delivered my goods here today by twelve are they here ?

    Ahh Darius yes he did,their right there at the back.


Then he moved to where the huge crates were and looked at them closely inspecting them after that he opened one a little and smiled

All in good shape I see,he said I'll have my boys pick them up tomorrow

  Mr Austin.....when should I be expecting them ?

About this same time.

Okay sir I'll be here....with that he left the place and entered into his car he looked at his side mirror and noticed a car was following him

Hmm... what's this ( he said ) someone is tailing me eyy...

A dark humpback car was approaching him fast he accelerated faster but the other car kept St the same pace,then he turned the car around incredibly like one who must have been a car racing champ and the opposing car past him he hit full speed and was driving back the way he came but the other car came up again,he opened the door and jumped out of the car that followed with a loud boom as his car crashed into a wall,the opposer parked closer and a man in dark suit and dark shades cane out,walked a few steps as he approached Austin's car.

     Hmm he smiled that ought to have killed the bastard I didn't even have to do much work,the boss would be pleased.

  Speaking about the boss who sent you( said Austin ) as he pointed a revolver on the head of the man

   Ha so you still live what a nice trick there,but...what makes you think I would give up the identity of my boss and gang ?

   Then I have no other option but to kill at this spot said Austin

Ha....even if threatened at gun point  I can never betray my gang

   I thought as much,then i'll have to beat you to a pulp till you talk

  I swear you'll never get away with it.

And Austin gave him a terrible hit to the head using the impact of the gun's base and the man fell unconscious

"Tiffany boo"

Yes Austin honey ?

Get a car and meet me at the snuggle house entrance hm...I had some issues oh and bring some ropes

  Okay expect me there in 15 minutes replied Tiffany.

Meanwhile back at the Walter's home Wesley was fast asleep when his mother came in

  Wesley! She shouted

Wes,Wesley as she headed upstairs and opened the door to his room

Oh Wesley my boy fast asleep looking charming like the very first day i saw you she thought,as she rubbed his cheeks and kissed him on the forehead with a whisper she said "I love you" then she stood up and out of the room she went she made sure to shut the door quietly after that she went to the bathroom to take a shower and off to bed she went


   15 minutes later Tiffany arrived at the snuggle house and got out she is an average height lady quite busty and beautiful

  Hey Austin what happened and who's this man on the floor ?

I don't know him he said,he ambushed me seems he's working for another gang but he wouldn't tell so I knocked him out.

    Serves him right said Tiffany

Yeah get me the ropes and help me tie him up we're taking this mother fucker back where I can see him and make him talk

  She went out to the car brought the ropes and they bounded his and hands and feet they carried him and into the car he went

  Are you gonna drive honey ? Asked Tiffany..

No my vixen I'm a little bit exhausted you take the wheels

  Alright we're we taking him ?

To the gang's HQ,she drove away away in top speed shortly they arrived,the place looks like an abandoned grocery store,they stepped out carried the dude and Austin made a phone call

   Boss !

Yes Zayn expect me down soon

Okay boss

  Austin moved closer to a shelves and moved a baked beans tin and a huge elevator made of titanium was revealed he went through a face scan and the door opened and they stepped in while dragging the unconscious man and the elevator went down

    Welcome boss let's help you there,a man in black suit carried the unconscious man and laid him on the floor.


Yes boss ?

I want you to take three other men to the snuggle house by 10 tomorrow and get my package

  Sure boss....

Also lock up this on of a bitch in the dungeons Brolly!,he called another man

Yes boss ?

  Do make sure you get words out of his mouth,make him tell you who his boss is and why he ambushed me

On it sir...

    With a signal from Zayn two other men in black suits came and carried the man away to the dungeons Austin was a smart fellow just like his brother always getting what they want through any means possible his underlings dare not ask him any questions all they do is obey,only Tiffany and Zayn are more trustworthy to him.