Death and Revelation

Wesley opened the door to his home to find out his mom was sitting right there in the sitting room you're home ?

Yes I came back early she replied

But why mom ?

I wasn't feeling too well son so I was allowed to go home early

Oh my God mom how are you feeling now ?

A little bit dizzy but it's nothing I can't handle she said smiling

You need to go to bed early up you go he said

He helped her up to her room turned off the lights and went out

I pray mom feels better tomorrow he said then he heard a ring sound coming from his pockets

Oh umm hello ?

Yo wes how u today ?

It was Alex

Garrh what do I tell him now ? He thought

Hey we you there ?

Umm yeah yeah I'm here

How's your progress ? he asked,did you get the questions ? I didn't buh i did get to the office he replied

Good so you got the code then ? Added Alex buh i did talk to a pretty girl if that helps

Dude you know that doesn't,focus on your mission you have two days to get it or say bye bye to your doe

Okay okay i'll try harder

Then Alex hung up

Phewww time to eat I'm starved said Wesley he went to the kitchen ate,took a shower and off to bed he went but he didn't quiet sleep he kept on thinking about Imogen.

Damn she's pretty I gotta see her tomorrow, I know I'll wake up early and wait for her he said to himself

Then he went to sleep with a smile on his face

People have already seen the body of the dead man along the road


Yes boss ?

What is the meaning of this said a furious man in purple suit as he threw a news paper to the other man who looked at it and was shocked

That..that....that's looks like Steve sir

Ofcourse I know it's him said the man why is he dead ? He didn't complete the mission I still see Austin on about to address the media wearing a family face,Steve failed me and a failure isn't meant to be here but we still have to destroy Austin no matter the cost I don't care how long it takes this means war!

And he stormed out of the room Grengore took two pistols and signalled to the other guys in the room about ten of them heavily armed and they ran out of the room as well.

Wesley woke up with a fright and immediately ran to his mom's room only to find her body hot

Oh my God mom you're running a temperature I need to get you to the hospital

Don't worry about me Wesley I'm fine it's just a fever I'll go to the hospital later today she said

Are you sure you can go by yourself ? Let me help you let's go now

Wesley I don't have enough money for a hospital go on to school and i'll find a way when you get home

Ahh go on run along she told him

Okay mom

Wesley didn't have breakfast he ran to school he forgot all about waiting for Imogen as he was running so fast with only one thing on his mind

"I must save my mother" I have to complete the mission and get the hundred dollars yes I must

Wesley rushed through his classes,followed Mr Greg and went to hide by his office window the man opened the safe and Wesley was just close enough to see it from his position and again the man went to pee after closing it back.

Gosh does he gave bladder issues ? Well I'm sure glad he does,now the questions

He opened the safe and took the sheet of paper out and snapped the questions he gently placed it back in closed the safe and jumped out of the window just in time before the man came back he went to a safe corner and called Alex

Hey lex

Yo wes what's up

I got the questions

Good send them to me ASAP

Alright and he sent them immediately and sneaked into class he was so in a hurry that he kept on looking at the clock when it was the closing hour he forgot all about detention he left school and ran towards home immediately

Gosh almost forgot bout the money damn he said

He ran back to the school gate and waited

Come on lex where are you he muttered to himself


Gahhh he screamed man do not walk up to me like that said Wesley

Haha sorry bro here's your hundred dollars

He grabbed the cash immediately and ran

He wes won't you count them at least ? Why so in a hurry

Sorry got to go he replied

He ran home opened the door ran to his mom's room her health have only worsened.

Mom oh mom

Wesley she said in a terribly painful voice

I'm here mom I've got some money let me take you to the hospital

No Wesley my time in this world is coming to an end I'm glad I've raised you to become a fine young man don't say that mom you've still got time and I can take yo there

My son she said I have something to tell you

Don't talk like this mom he said with tears dropping from his eyes he has grown to love this woman he knows as "mother"

I am not your biological mother Wesley

What ! No mom

Yes my son argh she said coughing loudly your real mother was shot dead and she was...argh..she was with you in her arms she paused,coughed and continued I just happened to be lucky and pass by to hear you crying that was how I got you the police never gave up in finding your mother's killer,I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier Wesley.

Mom please stop it's not your fault,you raised me by yourself you will forever be my mother

Thank you my son please take this and she brought out the necklace Wesley was wearing that same night

It belongs to you,you wore this on the night of the incidence here it will help you trace your real family Wesley you were born into s rich family I'm sorry I had to bring you up in a poor and rotten neighborhood do forgive me

Mom stop all this please

My son your father's name was.....and with that she gave up the ghost with tears in her eyes

Wesley could not hold back hu's tears

Mom no mom don't do this wake up mom please....please wake up don't leave me here alone mom please

It was painful witnessing the death of another mother before him he took the necklace which had a name written in it "Jeffery" he called the neighbours and told them everything shortly an ambulance arrived and took old miss Kimberly Walters body away as she didn't have any relations she was buried in the fusion cemetery.