"My Dream? I just want to be a well-known artist, that's all." Suran soon responded.
Soo Young questioned, "Hae Yeon?"
"I have an ambition to be a world-conquering singer and musician who is well-known"
"How are you doing, Ji Yoon?"
Ji Yoon, who didn't know how to respond, merely murmured,
"I-I-I don't have any more dreams."
"Ji Yoon, I know you still mourn the loss of your parents' passing, and you believe that when you lose, everything will end for you. However, you are mistaken in thinking that Ji Yoon lost means the end of everything; rather, there is only the feeling and meaning of loss, which calls to mind all of your dreams that have ever been taken from you. Your dreams have gone too far, Ji Yoon.
Your dream is not wrong; you just need to fight for her. I am confident that you will be able to become a Star, stand in front of a large crowd, and fight against a world that you feel is never fair to you." Ji Yoon quickly understood what her needed to do after seeing Soo Young's smile.
Suran, who was starting to wonder if anything was different about Soo Young, groaned, "Soo Young, your words are different from the norm."
"It's this young person, you know, who will ask you to decide your own future, So, what do you envision for yourself?" Hae Yeon questioned.
"My ideal life would involve being able to see your ambitions come true, live blissfully without financial worries, and travel the world.
That's my dream following the procedure "Added Soo Young.
After hearing it, Suran and Hae Yeon instantly remained silent and studied Soo Young's face in an effort to learn the truth about what had transpired.
"We have school tomorrow," Ji Yoon abruptly said.
"School? Typically, you don't want to attend school "Hae Yeon chuckled.
"What makes you desire to attend school? When Ji Yoon started to get serious, Suran made fun of him and said, Usually you don't like going to school; undoubtedly when you get to school you just fall asleep in the classroom and on the school balcony."
Ji Yoon posed the question, "Is it improper that I consider my future as well?" with seriousness.
"Hae Yeon, Suran, hurry up!"
"Lord, I believe I am going to have a very difficult mission ahead of me; her goal is to return Ji Yoon to her previous life and to her dreams that have wandered too far from her. Please don't call me back until Ji Yoon, Suran, and Hae Yeon are all happy once more. "
Soo Young murmured, "I wish to repay their service to me, especially to Ji Yoon who constantly looks out for me and considers me as a brother herself.
It's been a month since Ji Yoon last appeared so well at school after learning that Soo Young had rib cancer and that Ji Yoon had started attempting to better her life.
Soo Young murmured, "I wish to repay their service to me, especially to Ji Yoon who constantly looks out for me and considers me as a brother herself.
It's been a month since Ji Yoon last appeared so well at school after learning that Soo Young had rib cancer and that Ji Yoon had started attempting to better her life.
Even though Ji Yoon is a troublemaker, all the professors there adore Ji Yoon and are consistently filled with pride over Ji Yoon's accomplishments, which is why many people disapprove of Ji Yoon's transformation, especially Sung Jae, Ji Yoon's fiercest adversary in class.
Suran muttered,
"Ji Yoon, you're excellent, you can hold your emotions for a month.
You know everyone who made fun of me when I first made this change? I just did this in front of Soo Young."
"When I got home from school, I punched them all in the face as a warning from me."
"Is that true?"
Ji Yoon answered slowly,
"Yeah, Suran, I can't possibly live this circumstance."
"Why are you doing this, exactly?" She questioned Suran since she was already quite interested in finding out why someone was in the room. It's admirable that Ji Yoon did this for Soo Young.
"I'll tell you, but only if you swear not to tell Soo Young about this place."
"Okay, I'll pledge not to tell Soo Young."
"Soo Young is sick, therefore I'm doing all of this," Ji Yoon claimed that he shocked Suran right away and was fortunate that Soo Young was using the restroom and was unaware of the secret Ji Yoon had revealed to Suran.
"What are you talking about, by the way? It appears to be a ton of fun, "Hae Yeon, who had just arrived, commented as she approached Ji Yoon and Suran.
Suran stated with a mournful expression, "Hae Yeon, Ji Yoon claimed Soo Young was sick."
"Really?! Is Soo Young actually ill, or is he otherwise healthy? What type of sick person is Soo Young?" She questioned Hae Yeon, who gave her the willies. Suran lowered her voice with a hand motion.
"Soo Young was diagnosed with rib cancer; there was no hope for her anymore since the doctor informed Soo Young that it was too late to do surgery on Soo Young because her refused to have surgery while her sickness may still be beaten," stated Ji Yoon with a solemn expression on her face.
Suran declared, "I've determined that starting today, I'll start to change and fight for Soo Young because there is nothing we can give Soo Young anymore but the change he wants us to make.
"Suran, Ji Yoon, and Hae Yeon? Why are you still here when the phone is ringing?" Soo Young responded, shocking her pals by doing so right away.
Ji Yoon, who is good at making up reasons, murmured,
"We're waiting for you Soo Young."
"Really? Where are we going this afternoon, I forgot to ask? "questioned Soo Young while on foot.
"We'll see my performance tonight, and I want you to see my drama presentation tomorrow afternoon, too," added Suran.
Hae Yeon, who understood the significance of Suran's involvement in the drama, muttered, "It's not strange if you want to participate in a drama show.
Ji Yoon responded, "Yes, this must be because Suran collided with Jae Seok, so her was really happy to join the show," and Soo Seok appeared right away. Young is convinced that Hae Yeon will completely destroy everything.
"Why would I be the first to discover all this can't change their lives if Suran and Hae Yeon dared to change their lives for Soo Young honestly?
Why am I limited to performing it for Soo Young?" Ji Yoon snorted.
Ji Yoon can see how successfully Soo Young conceals her agony and knows that even though she would still appear ill in front of her friends, Soo Young is smiling at Suran and Hae Yeon.
Ji Yoon can only imagine the moment Sooyoung turns around and disappears from the world in secret, a moment that comes quickly and without his desire.
When Ji Yoon has to deal with bitter taste and the sense of being on the point of ruin in her life, if this is who she is, the dream of becoming a star is moving farther and farther away.
Would doing that assist her loosen up her chest or possibly keep her from being crushed?