
An older man in a neat marshall uniform sat in his office, he stroked his small beard as he was sorting through compiled data on the holographic screens in front.

*knock knock*

''Sir..? Sir Maynard?'' the mans voice sounded urgent outside the door.

The older man turned off the screens and leaned back in his seat rubbing his temple ''Come in''

The Man saluted before continuing ''Marshall, there is a message from one of the guard ships at the edge of planet Lysti'ret in the Mabrist system, they have picked up unusual waves of energy near one of the planets ruin's, how do you wish to proceed?''

Maynard picked up his brows ''Are they sure it wasnt a high level beast fighting? That planet is overrun with them''

''No sir, the energy frequency matches nothing we have seen before so we ask for more guidance on how to proceed''

Maynard sat there for a moment and started stoking his beard again…There were no reports from the other guard ships in the system, this could mean an undiscovered species has been found or that something else entirely had happened, either way he had to go and see what it was.

He stood up and walked out of his office with the other man towards a small lift which would take him down into the main part of the ship.

On the way he passed several guards who seemed nervous as they waited for orders on what to do next, some looked like they wanted to rush off and search every inch of the ruined planet.

The security base here is usually quiet so for something unusual to happen is rare, he ignored them all as he continued on his way, soon he stepped off the lift and took a few steps

forward to where his shuttle was waiting for him, he climbed inside and closed the door behind him, activating the engines. Turning around he ordered everyone else to standby.

Maynard opened up his communication to Garlan who was stationed on the ship outside Lysti'ret asking them to go down and take a closer look while he was on way.

Receiving the okay signal from the Marshall, Garlan and another military guard Jaiver took a small aircraft after a short wait the ship had dropped down low enough so that the gravitational pull became insignificant. They had made their way slowly to the planet so that they wouldn't be detected by any beasts on the surface, luckily none had shown themselves yet.

"What do you think we'll find?" Jaiver asked

"I don't know but we'd better hope its not anything dangerous," Garlan replied.

They circled the outer rim of the planet when suddenly Garlan noticed something strange moving below.

''...A person?'' Garlen murmured to himself before pointing downwards.

Jaiver followed his hand, ''..are you sure?''

"...Probably, I can't tell because the ground cover is too thick, we'll have to land and take a closer look."

They landed the craft and got out, running towards the area where they thought they saw someone.

"Hey!" Jaiver called out to the figure who seemed to stumble. "Are you alright?!"

"Hey! Hold on!" Garlen shouted.

The figure turned around once he heard me yell. Garlan was stunned for a moment at how beautiful the boy appeared but quickly returned to calm


Kept a peaceful smile as he went towards the boy.

"_-_ ____ ________ ___!" the boy called out to him, Garlan's expression changed suddenly as he stopped and looked down at him.

"What?" He asked confused, this isn't a language the man was familiar with "Are you okay?"

"Does he not speak our language?" Javier came up following up from behind Garlan.

"No, he doesn't. Just stay calm and approachable he seems pretty nervous.'' Garlan ordered back to Javier

Javier picked up one brow and approached the young boy with a kind face pointing back to the ship and themselves "We're here to help, just follow us okay?''

They saw the young boy pause for a second and then nodded, a big weight was lifted as he seemed to understand what they meant.

The three of them walked to the ship and climbed aboard. Garlan went into the cockpit while Javier stayed with the boy. Once they were all settled Javier spoke up "So, what's your name kid? You can call me Javier" he pointed to himself and repeated his name then pointed back at the boy.

The boy seemed to understand ''I'm Jun.. Juniper'' he answered timidly

''Juniper huh?.. Hey, Garlan do we have a spare wrist communicator somewhere?'' Javier shouted over to the cockpit

After a few seconds of searching Garlan found the device in question and handed it to Javier, "Just put the code 743-1234 and you should be good to go"

Javier did exactly as instructed and the device lit up and began to make noise, he looked back at Juniper.

"Well Juniper, I'm Javier and that's Garlan, We are going to take you somewhere safe now okay?"

Junipers eyes lit up he actually understood what they were saying from the wrist tool he was given.

Juniper nodded and smiled two dimples showed on his face "Okay"

"Alright, let's get out of here" Garlan said as he pushed the throttle button

Once they reached space Garlan switched on the radar and scanned the skies above, finding nothing untoward he turned the ship on course back to the main ship stationed at the edge of Lysti'ret.