Capital Star

Juniper awoke to the sound of knocking at his door. He rushed to open it and saw standing outside.

The young man was holding a tray with two mugs and some food on it. "Morning, how was your sleep?" he said as he walked in with the tray.

Juniper just stared blankly at him, not quite awake yet. He took the mug offered to him and drank greedily. The warm liquid helped clear his head.

"Um, thank you," Juniper finally said.

Javier sat down next to him without being invited. "I brought you some breakfast."

Juniper looked at the food and sighed. "Breakfast sounds amazing right now."

He grabbed one of the eggs from the side of the plate and shoved it into his mouth. It had been so long since he'd eaten anything that even a few bites seemed like heaven. He wondered if there would be any left when he got up but he didn't care enough to ask.

As he ate, Javier continued talking. "We've arrived at Capital star overnight, so we will depart once you are ready. I have been tasked with overseeing your asylum into Capital star this will include taking you through the normal processes of assigning your identity and to assign you to your new accommodation''

"Accommodation?" Juniper asked.

"Yes, all newly arriving refugees must go to where they can be assigned a residence and begin their journey towards integration into Capital star society."

Juniper finished off his food and set the empty mug aside. "Okay, I'll get dressed then."

"Yes, please do. I will meet you outside." Javier took the empty mugs and plates away with the tray.

Juniper stood and headed into the bathroom to wash his face. He pulled on the borrowed military uniform and headed out.

When he exited the room, Javier was waiting for him. The young man led Juniper down from the ship and to a small building near the edge of the base camp on capital star.

Inside, there were four rooms. In one of them, a young female waited.

''Javier!'' A figure flashed by and jumped onto Javier almost making him unstable, Juniper who was following closely behind was scared he would be crushed, his ears and tail standing up on end.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Javier held out an arm trying to keep the female from falling. "Easy there."

The person hanging on javier giggled and let himself fall back.

Juniper could finally see the person who was hanging off of Javier, it looked to be a female from the ears and tail it looked like someone who had dog or wolf heritage.

He heard Javier's voice. "I'm sorry for the delay; my companion is not always so excitable.''

''This is my companion Ciro, hes from the dog family as you could guess'' Javier smiles at Ciro who he hasn't seen in over a month.

Ciro smiled at him also.

Juniper stepped forward and bowed. "It's nice to meet you." He felt very awkward meeting him after only knowing Javier for less than 2 days.

"No worries, I know what its like to be nervous around people. I'm Ciro, it's good to meet you too."

Ciro looked at Juniper, his ears and tail slightly perked up.

Jarvier spoke up. "We will take you to the Identification office first, then we will take you to your new accommodation. Coincidentally enough you are assigned to the same housing complex where myself, Ciro and his companions reside. ''

Ciro laughed. "You're gonna be neighbors with us? That should be interesting. I've lived here my whole life."

They made their way to the Identification office on the outskirts of the base. There, Juniper was told to place his hand into a scanner. This scanned his fingerprints and then supplied him with an identity.

They start to walk through the city while Ciro was chatting about random things and Juniper's eyes are wide open at every corner of the buildings. The whole place is so unique compared to where he came from and he really can't believe how beautiful this planet is.

"Oh, did you not know? It's a city of immigrants. All species and backgrounds live in harmony here. The city is divided into sectors, each sector is further divided into districts, and each district is again split into blocks and apartments.'' Ciro chatted on

"So we will be staying in Block 5A, which means we are in Sector 3. Each block has a different color and number, each district has a different name and the colors and numbers change accordingly."

The buildings were all painted different colors, the ones they passed were mainly white and blue. Some were red and orange, others green, purple and yellow.

Each building had a number and a name above the door and Ciro pointed out the one they needed to go to.