Demetrius decision

Demetrius looked away from the wall. "Was there anything else you wanted to look at?"

Juniper shook his head. "Thanks for showing me around, I'll take a quick look at the relics and then we can get out of here."

"Alright." Demetrius said.

Juniper made his way to the display cases. The museum was quiet, only a few visitors were inside. Juniper looked through the various exhibits, there was a lot of history and cultural artefacts. He saw some statues that were clearly very old; they had been carved in the shapes of men or animals, but their faces were always obscured by the robes or clothing of whoever it depicted. There was no one who could tell him what they meant. Some of them also showed signs of having been damaged; one had its head broken off and another's arm was missing. They were all displayed with great care, so as not to damage any more of the pieces than necessary.

When he finally left the museum, the sun was high. Demetrius suggested finding a place for lunch before he went home. Juniper agreed. It seemed like ages since he'd eaten properly. He followed Demetrius down the hill toward the city center. There was an old-style coffee shop on the edge of town where Demetrius liked to go sometimes. Once they got there, Demetrius took his usual seat while Juniper ordered himself some toast and tea. Then the two sat and spoke casually, sipping their drinks and watching the world slowly pass by outside.

After a little while, Demetrius spoke up: "I don't mind associating with you.''

"Huh?'' Juniper blinked. His voice sounded strange to his own ears. "What do you mean?"

Demetrius smiled. "You're quite.. unique, you're not arrogant unlike a lot of females ive met and your abilities and origin... im curious."

Juniper didn't know how to respond to this, so he just kept eating his food. After a moment, Demetrius continued:

"So if I ask, will you answer?"

The question surprised Juniper. "Of course," he said. "But what are you asking?"

"If I become your partner, would you be willing ?" Demetrius asked.

Juniper felt his mouth fall open, he'd never expected Demetrius to say something like that. His heart pounded in his chest. He swallowed hard and looked at Demetrius' face for any sign of mockery. But the other man's expression was serious. "Are you sure?" Juniper managed to ask. He wasnt against getting to know Demetrius further, they got along well and they were a high gene match.

Juniper always saw Demetrius as being quite serious and meticulous so he hadn't expected this so soon.

"Absolutely." Demetrius replied. "We've already established we're compatible, so why not?"

Juniper stared at the table. This was one of those moments when he wished he hadn't worn his human shape. He was sure his face was bright red. "Alright.." he finally said. "Let's see if we can make it work."

Juniper felt it was quite fast, he now had two people who he associated with.

The two finished their food, paid their bill and took a slow walk back to Junipers appartment.

Juniper gave Demetrius his house address. Juniper was suddenly aware of Demetrius' hand on his shoulder as they walked. He turned to look at the taller male beside him. Demetrius was looking straight ahead. Juniper felt a warmth spreading between them, like an invisible thread connecting their lives together.

Suddenly, Juniper realised they were standing in front of the door to Junipers appartment.

''Until next time.'' Demetrius lowed his head, the kiss was gentle and soft just on Junipers cheek, but Juniper felt it all over his body. For a long moment, neither of them moved. Then Demetrius finally withdrew his fingers from Juniper's hair and pulled away.

Juniper watched him leave, then went into the living room and sat down. At first he simply rested, letting his thoughts race through his head. There was a faint hope something more would happen but he quickly dispelled the thought, they havent known each other long and he also realised he was still underage in this world, of course nothing would happen yet.

Once he turns 21 he should hit an estrus cycle, during which he would need to copulate specially the first estrus was important it could last for several days. At first he didnt think too much about this since he wasnt from this world, but as his medical data was the same as a Female here it most likely will happen.

He pulled up a page about genetics, there was plenty of information about the biology of the body. Juniper had read most of it, although he knew it was mostly theory. If he ever had children in the future, he hoped to have children with Gio and Demetrius when they were further into their relationship.

He didn't think much past that; even having a child seemed far away. The main thing was that he wanted to be in a loving family.