First mock battle

The three of them went inside the pods and Demetrius began the simulation.

''The simulation is starting in ten seconds, please prepare yourselves'' Demetrius commanded.

Demetrius activated the hologram and Junipers sight changed. They had landed on a grassy plain surrounded by mountains. It looked like a natural place, no buildings or anything else.

Juniper watched as Demetrius transformed into his beast form. The vision blurred slightly and then cleared up again.

Now they were seeing Demetrius' beast form, A Snow Leopard stood on four legs with a large head and wide jaw. There were small ears and a thick mane of fine grey hairs on the top of his head. This was the first time he had seen a transformation right in front of his eyes.

Gio had changed into his beast form too, he became his bear form. He was taller than Juniper and Demetrius because of standing on two legs, his arms and torso were powerful.

''In the wild, using our beast forms works better than our human form, we can outrun most predators faster and have more attacking advantage against wild beasts.'' Demetrius explained while moving around.

''Myself and Gio will stand behind you and aid you should you need it.'' Demetrius informed Juniper.

Juniper nodded

Juniper followed Demetrius instruction and assumed his stance. He moved forward and crouched low ready to charge, he had sharp claws that could be released on both hands.

A beast was generated into the grass plains. It was a horse-like creature covered in fur, it looked similar to a wild horse but had horns along its spine. The beast appeared to be charging directly at Juniper.

Juniper sprang forwards and ducked under the beast's forelegs, he swiped at the neck with his clawed hand. The beast spun around and the claws struck the side of its head, it let out a cry of pain before stumbling backwards. Juniper charged and stabbed the beast in the chest with his second claw. It was quick and precise. The beast was killed instantly.

Demetrius and Gio were both taken a back by how quickly Juniper dispatched the beast.

"I'm impressed, that was faster than I thought." Demetrius said raising an eyebrow, it wasnt false praise either. Contrary to Junipers softer appearence he would do well in a fight.

''I learned a lot from my brother in combat..'' Juniper replied. ''It's been a awhile since I last fought though.''

Demetrius nodded. "You've got a good eye for killing your opponents fast and accurately. Let's move on, there are other beasts to challenge, this time I want you to test your abilities instead of physical combat and since we are in the grasslands what better to use than your plant ability.''

Juniper nodded again.

Demetrius instructed Juniper to assume his stance, he did so and waited. A beast appeared in front of him. It was a cross between an antelope and a deer, it had a long horns and resembled a gazelle. It appeared to be able to use elemental abilities as there was a cold flurry surrounding the creature.

The beast rushed forward faster than the last one. Juniper would solely rely on his plant and fire abilities this time and not his physical combat ability. He used fox fire to ignite blue fire balls around him and then launched them towards the beast. The fireballs caused a small explosion upon impact, the beast attempted to dodge the flames but they still managed to scorch parts of its body.

The beast stumbled forward, it raised its hooves to try and deflect the attack. Juniper used his plant abilities to create vines and wrapped around the beast. They constricted and crushed the beast's legs. The beast staggered forward, it tried to shake off the restraints of the vines but failed as Juniper tightened his grip further. The beast thrashed about, kicking up dirt and launched ice shards towards Juniper.

Juniper didn't flinch from the icy projectiles, instead he focused more into his fox fire to dissipate the ice and and sent a wave of flame engulfing the beast, it screamed and writhed in pain. Juniper let go of his restraint and the beast fell forwards onto its knees, panting heavily. The beast closed its eyes and toppled over, it twitched once before going still. Juniper lowered himself to his knee.

Demetrius approached him. "Good work, I think you will be more than ready to go out into the wild with us now."

Juniper glanced down at his arm, a few scratches from the ice shards but nothing serious he felt a tingling it was a strange feeling as it wasnt a real wound.

Gio didnt interject during this time just observing quietly. To be honest, Gio did not expect Juniper to have such a high level of control when fighting, from what he had known of Juniper so far was that he was a rather calm individual who did not carry the aura of a fighter. He was not disapointed rather more awe that such power came from Juniper.

Demetrius had noticed what Gio was thinking "I am surprised." Demetrius said. "You seem so laid back and yet here you are killing a beast without any assistance or official training. That is quite impressive, Juniper."

Juniper thought for a moment. "It feels like my mind is set differently when I'm fighting. My thoughts and actions come together and flow naturally. As if it is second nature to me."

Demetrius nodded. "That is how it should feel, especially when you are in the wilderness its either kill or be killed. Next month we will head to another planet, if you are prepared for that then we can begin some basic survival training before heading out."