Evening with Yong-Jin

Yong-Jin was waiting outside Junipers building, he was dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a black shirt, his hair was more relaxed making him appear younger. He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "I hope you don't mind me bringing these," Yong-Jin said.

"Not at all I love it!" Juniper replied as he took the flowers, he had never recieved a bouquet before but it was the perfect gift for Juniper who loved gardening.

''After you'' Yong-Jin opened the door and let Juniper into his vehicle before getting in the other side.

Juniper looked around the interior, the seats were plush and comfortable, the dashboard had a screen showing the route ahead.

''Where are we going?'' Juniper asked as he settled into the seat, putting the flowers in the seat behind.

''Well I wanted to take you somewhere special, I've been meaning to show you the sights of Capital Star, I heard of your origins from Maynard and thought you would appreciate it.'' Yong-Jin explained as he started the engine.

Capital Star was like an island city, it was mostly an artificial build with technology as its center which had land surrounding it. The natural landscape was changed a lot in the surroundings and was mostly grasslands. It would take a bit of travel to meet the natural forests.

''Maynard? You know Marshall Maynard?'' Juniper was suprised, he was even more suprised that Maynard would tell someone outside the Military about his origins.

"I never told you, but Maynard is my great uncle." Yong-Jin chuckled, "He practically raised me. I think he mentioned you once or twice after we got together, he must have known about us."

"Really? I had no idea! But why didn't he say anything to me?" Juniper was confused by how Maynard could keep such a secret, he only just saw him before his trip to Carvina.

"He propably wanted to tease you later on, he's that kind of person. Well, not that it matters now i've told you." Yong-Jin reassured Juniper.

After some time, the buildings we're becoming less frequent and the scenery became greener, the road was paved and there were more trees lining the roads.

They stopped at a small town, the shops were quaint and old fashioned. There was a market square where they could get food and souvenirs, Yong-Jin parked his car and led Juniper through to a resturant near the side of a small lake.

The restaurant was decorated in a traditional style, the tables were made from wood and the chairs were wooden too. A few people sat eating and drinking, the air was filled with the scent of freshly cooked fish.

Yong-Jin guided Juniper over to the otherside where there was a balcony overlooking the lake, they ordered drinks and sat down next to each other, looking out across the water.

"It's nice out here, do you come here often?" Juniper asked, he took a sip of his drink and smiled.

"Yes, I come here to relax its quiet and out of the city. They are famous for their fish dishes here." Yong-Jin explained.

Although the weather wasn't as warm anymore it was still okay to sit outdoors in the evening if in good clothing. They both ordered some dinner and continued to chat.

"I was curious.. but what is your beast form?" Juniper asked, he looked up at Yong-Jin who was smiling at him.

"Well, can you not guess?'' Yong-Jin said, he sipped his beer and waited for Juniper to respond.

"At first.. maybe I thought you were from a Canidae line.. but I think you might be from Felidae.. like a tiger, lion or leopard..." Juniper mused

"You're close. I am from a Felidae line.'' Yong-Jin admitted. "Im a panther''

"Oh! Im guessing you are a black panther based on your hair colour?" Juniper exclaimed. He leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hands, he was so excited he forgot to eat his meal.

"Well, but my eyes change in beastform'' Yong-Jin answered.

Just as they were talking Junipers communicator lit up with a message from the nexus network, then another, and another.

''Sorry let me just talk a look'' Juniper smiled embarassingly as it kept beeping.

He opened the messages and saw they were all from DStar65, his messages were quick but sounded urgent. He was asking if Juniper was pregnant, but he thought he wasn't of age yet, what about his partners.

Juniper was confused and then thought of a possibility that he had seen his most recent broadcast mentioning a recipe good for pregnancy. He quickly typed back "No, not me it was for my friend.''