Face to Face Meeting

Juniper looked towards the suspicious looking stranger, "Who are you?" He asked, trying not to look too threatening.

The man pulled his mask slightly, revealing a bit of a handsome face with silvery eyes. He smiled lazily "I'm DStar65, we haven't met face to face before"

''Ah sorry, you just look you just look a bit suspicious, I don't know why you…" Juniper replied hesitently

DStar65 laughed "Its good you are honest, there is a reason for this get up though I assure you, I wear a mask because of my work. I'm an actor you see, and sometimes I don't want to be recognised. You can call me Daiju by the way, maybe you have heard of me?"

Juniper shook his head a bit embarassingly"No, I am new to entertainment.. I haven't really seen any movies.. "He admitted.

Daiju chuckled "That's alright, I'll introduce myself then. My name is Daiju, I'm an actor. I've been working hard for years now to achieve what I have today. I'm a bit of a recluse and I like to keep it that way, so I tend to stay away from publicity. But I do enjoy meeting fans, especially those who love my films. Im also a big fan of food broadcasts, including yours." he smiled "Now let's go inside and find some good food, Im guessing you didnt have anything since you got here early"

Daiju grabbed Junipers hand and pulled him towards the venue, Juniper shook his head and followed with a smile. He knew from the conversations he had with Daiju before that he was a big foodie. They walked through the corridors until they reached the entrance hall, the queue's were well organised so it didnt take them long to get through into the main hall.

There were many stalls set up around the room it was hard to tell where they needed to go.

They walked past the stalls and headed towards where the scent of food was coming from. The smell of freshly cooked foods filled the air and Juniper could feel his stomach growling. He noticed they were still holding hands but when Juniper asked Daiju said he didn't want him to get lost and if he disliked it he would stop. Juniper was fine to continue holding hands, he seemed to be weak against Daiju's puppy eyed look.

A lot of the food stalls sold street food or snack type dishes, there were lots of fried foods and other things he couldn't quite identify. Juniper was overwhelmed by the variety of food available, he wanted to try everything. Of course it would be impossible to try everything but he could at least buy some to take back to share with others. Daiju led him to a stall selling small portions of their signature dish. The seasonings were similar tasting to that of Kimchi but it was marinated onto thin slices meat.

It looked delicious and Juniper was tempted to order two plates, but Daiju insisted on only buying one since there was plenty of other places. Juniper agreed to this as he didn't want to be greedy.

Daiju paid for the meal and they sat down to eat. Daiju picked up a piece of the meat and held it out for Juniper. "Here, taste it. Its called 'Korbe' meat and its one of my favourites. You will know why after you eat it."

Juniper took the offered food and tasted it. He liked the spice and found himself eating more than he should have. After finishing almost the whole plate, he felt a bit bad Daiju had only 1/4 of what he had. He asked Daiju how much he owed him and Daiju replied with a laugh. "Don't worry about it. I can always get compensation later''

Juniper was about to ask what he meant by that when Daiju pulled him to the next stall of dishes. It was another street food stand and the menu was different from the first place. This time Juniper ordered a bowl of what looked like cold noodles but it was a sweet dish.

The taste was similar to sweet potato or yams mixed with a honey glaze. Juniper ate the entire thing and decided to buy some to take out to bring back, it seemed like a dish Ciro would enjoy.

They went round quite a few stalls and shared many dishes together until they came to some dried snacks, Juniper thought that these would be the best to take back for others to try. There were plates in front with cocktail sticks in the testers and they tried many flavours. They resembled something like jerky or dried tofu back on earth with a variety of flavours.

After walking around for hours in the food zones, Daiju suggested they go to to merchandise area where many sponsors and independent sellers had various items. Juniper loved looking through all the stands and seeing what was on offer. It was going to be winter soon and he found a hat and scalf set which was hand crafted in a light blue colour, it had ear holes on the top of the hat which was new for Juniper to see, clothing was made with having animal ears in mind. He bought both the hat and scalf set, while Daiju found a small fox plush toy.